10 Ideas for a Naturist Lock Down


I just heard that over one third (half at mid April) of earth population is now locked down… Crazy! So if you read this post, there are good chances you are stuck at home alone or with your family. My number one advice to this lock down is to get naked! Staying at home does mean you can forget your clothes. Not only you will avoid laundry (one chore less), you will enjoy the comfort of your birthday suit and if the rest of your household is not naturist, it’s a great opportunity to convert them! Nevertheless, once naked, here are ten ideas for a fun, non boring, naturist lock down:

  1. Setup a daily naked routine
  2. Read and share naturist magazines
  3. Play board games in the buff
  4. Have a nude coffee chat over a video call
  5. Watch movies you never had time to watch
  6. Start a naturist blog and journal
  7. Plan your next naturist holidays
  8. Try new cooking recipes
  9. Workout naked
  10. Have a naked drink

Over the next days, I will dig into those activities to provide details, pointers and additional ideas, so you can enhance them, make them your own ones and share them with your loved ones.

Naturism is a lifestyle that knows no borders, no colors, no sexes, no religions, no discrimination. Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterized by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment. During these difficult times for all of us, we need more than ever respect and naturism can teach us this and increase our awareness of the fragility of mankind. Let’s get naked together in the confine of our home and share the awesomeness of naturism with the rest of the world. Peace, nudity and respect!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


  1. First and foremost Marc, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. I have been enjoying more at home nude time than ever during this quarantine. Usually the weekends are the only time I can stay nude when I get out of bed because usually I have to get dressed for work. Now that everyday is the weekend, I’m naked all the time. I’ve got a nice naked routine to start my day: Get out of bed, slide into my slippers (it is still cold here in New England), feed my cat, make coffee then sit in my sun soaked reading chair in my living room and enjoy my book as the sun warms my naked body. I’ve also completed numbers 5-10. I’ll work on ticking off the rest as this pandemic continues.

    • Thank you Rick for your comment and for sharing your routine. I wish all the best for you and your loved ones too Rick. I have slippers too, as the whole house is in tiles, cold comes from the feet. Stay naked as much as you can and spread the word. It’s soooo comfortable to be naked all day! Have a great naked day.

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