Confinement and naturism


In this period of confinement, health of all must be our first concern, in particular by staying away from others during our authorized daily outings. Now life must go on, while adapting to the demands of stopping the spread of the virus. Should we therefore stop our practice of naturism? Nothing indicates it! On the contrary.

Naturism is a common nudity practice. If the “common” is a physical element to be removed in these times of social distancing, nudity can, or even must, continue, at home, indoors, in your garden and in nature if you are lucky enough to ‘to live in the countryside.

Keep in touch

One of the important aspects of confinement, from a psychological point of view, is to keep in touch with our loved ones, family and friends. Why then not put forward the “common” of naturism by using technological means? Consider having naked drinks or naked yoga sessions by videoconferencing, for example. Or simply call your naturist friends to hear from them and share your ideas for keeping your naturism practice alive.

It is essential to continue living, sharing and promoting naturism, our magnificent way of life. The virus does not differentiate individuals, but nothing prevents us from continuing to live our naturism. As with any other person, barrier and simple gestures are necessary to protect yourself and those around you.

Naked and healthy

Health is the most precious commodity that everyone has and we are becoming more aware of it now. Keeping fit without being able to go out is a challenge. Why not take the opportunity to discover gymnastics and naked yoga at home, for example? There are dozens of tutorials on the internet and apps on phones. Strip your clothes and work out! Even better, do it with others by videoconferencing as mentioned above.

Take advantage of this period to review your eating habits. Why not learn new recipes? Trying to live vegetarian for a few days? And to exchange your recipes? Contrary to the jokes circulating on the internet that we will all end up obese and alcoholics, let us take advantage of this period to put new food routines in place. The planet needs us to adopt frugality!

These are just a few ideas that will help us get through this difficult period. There will be an aftermath to this crisis. In the meantime, let’s live our naturism, and use this moment to question our choices, change our habits and enjoy life.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash


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