7 reasons to stay naked on week-ends


You may not be able to spend the working week in your birthday suit, but week-ends are the perfect moment to enjoy some nudity. Ideally, you can drop your clothes on the Friday evening and only wear something again on the Monday morning. Whether you are a committed nudist or not, yet, here are a set of reasons why spending a week-end entirely naked makes perfect sense.

You’ll save on washing

No clothes, no washing needed. In an era when we know we are throwing too many detergents and chemicals into the nature, it’s better to limit washing to the maximum. And that requires to have nothing to wash. Hence, nudism!

Beyond the savings you are going to realize on detergent and electricity, you will save on chores. No washing means no time spend on this activity. Nobody really likes house chores. So any good reason to avoid them is welcomed!

You’ll be more comfortable

Our skin is our most comfortable suit. It fits perfectly. Sure, it may need some fixing, but overall, it’s a great suit. Is there any inconvenience by wandering around naked? Well, very few. You will need more sunscreen if you go out and your neighbours need to be fine with you being naked in your garden. But beyond this, no negative side effect.

Once you get comfortable with your own nudity and have separated nudity from sexuality, nudity will become the most comfortable way of being. I know, if you are textile, this may be difficult to accept. There’s only way to become a nudist: by getting naked!

You’ll share more

Naturism is a social lifestyle! For textiles, this is just inconceivable. How can you be naked and have social interaction? This should be gross! Well, it’s actually quite the opposite. Once you get naked in a naturist settings, a lot of things happen! And no, not in a sexual way!

One of the first things people are surprised about naturism is how naturists are nice. This is the first benefit I explained to textiles to have them discover naturism. Naturism is not about being naked alone, it’s being naked together, to feel this bonding that clothes tend to break.

You’ll be freer

Free to move around, free of clothes, free of norms and conventions. Nudity sends us back to earlier years and eras. Once you accept nudity is natural and normal, you embrace this feeling of freedom that comes along.

Freedom means different things for different people, but being naked will bring a level of freedom that will feel like breaking a barrier, an implicit rule of the society that clothes are necessary.

You’ll be happier

Nudity has very positive side effects, on the psychological and physical sides. It has been demonstrated that because nudism brings back a level of freedom and levity we lost over the years, it has very positive effect on our happiness.

New naturists are almost always surprised at how other nudists are friendly at a naturist resort. I believe this is because they are just more relaxed, happier and have less to hide.

You’ll be more relaxed

Many naturists have shared they feel more relaxed when they undress. It’s not that clothes make them uncomfortable, undressing takes an additional layer of stress out of their lives. I feel the same. I can relax better when totally naked.

Ask any naturist to chose between wandering around naked or clothed, they will chose the former when and if they are sure that they can be so safely. They know that being naked is so much more relaxing and comfortable that it becomes the obvious choice whenever they can.

You’ll get a no-line tan

For many people, having a striped body is fine. For nudists, having an overall tan is far better. Furthermore, our body needs sunlight to generate vitamin D. Our skin is the largest organ we have, there’s no reason to hide any part and not benefit for it to help get that much needed vitamin.

But do not forget sunscreen and limit the time of exposure to direct sunlight. So, get rid of your bathing suit, apply sunscreen and insist particularly on those parts that used to be hidden and get this beautiful tanned body.

But what if friends or strangers show up?

This is the number fear of newbie naturists: that others discover they are naturists. I’ve written extensively about this topic and provided some advice: hang a clothing-optional sign, leave naturist magazines on the coffee table, and make your home a nudist haven. Yes, this means you need to make your coming-out and let people know you are a naturist. It’s unfortunately not possible in every country or culture, but this is required if you want to enjoy naturism with a mind totally free.

Remember nudity is normal and natural. There’s nothing wrong with the naked body, to the contrary, as many serious scientific studies have shown, naturism is good for psychological and physical health. Next week-end, commit to spending it naked and enjoy the newly discovered freedom.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by QuidoX, CC BY-SA 3.0


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