Naturist Thought #49 – Light


In summer, I let the light wake me up. By leaving a gap with the shutters, I allow the first light of the sun to light up the bedroom. In summer, it happens very early in the morning and this gives a wonderful opportunity to greet the sun with yoga sun salutations. The red and yellow rays fill my body of energy for the day.

Light is an essential component of our lives. This early morning light not only fills me with energy, it fills me with joy and love. I go and stroll around the house, wearing just a pair of flip-flops, enjoying this peaceful moment that has happened every day for millions of years. There is something magic in this early light.

Then, later in the day, the light becomes more intense, the photons illuminate the day, winter or summer, autumn or spring, they create a unique experience. Enjoying light entirely naked is the best possible way to embrace this energy that each light cell carries. Is light magic? Not at all, it’s just made of grains of pure energy that feeds our body, our soul and our mind. Enlighten your day, embrace naturism!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by form PxHere


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