Home Adventurous The perfect gears to run naked

The perfect gears to run naked


The title may be intriguing. If you run naked, you do not need any gear. So what are those perfect gears? Before going into the details, let’s set the scene. I have ran many marathons, I’m still an avid runner and run almost every day, still take part to races, mostly trail races. After thousands of kilometers under my belt, I can say I have some experience. After running, my other passion is naturism. I love being naked and find any occasion to be sans clothing. Of course, it did not take me long before joining running and naturism, so I run naked as much as I can. And once again, I have many thousands of kilometers ran sans clothing, or just the minimal, and this the purpose of this post: to share my experience of what you need to experience naked run the best possible way. So let’s go, from head to toe!

A cap

Running is an outdoor activity. You need to protect yourself from the sun and a hat is necessary. The best hat to run is a cap. A special running cap is even better. It’s lightweight and avoid sweat to fall into your eyes. My advice here is to invest in a nice running cap that fits well. The best caps have reflectors if you happen to run at night, it’s a great safety feature.


As an avid runner, I like to keep track my pace and distance. Furthermore, some GPS’s now can measure your heart rate which is great to ensure you are not pushing yourself too hard, and to measure your progress if you are on a speed improvement program. Last but not least, when you are on a new track, this will avoid you to get lost.

A good pair of shoes

Some runners are running barefooted. I love this on a beach or a nice patch of grass, but running tracks may be rocky or covered with gravel, surfaces not really pleasant to your feet sole. You should choose your running shoes adequately and seek professional advice if needed. However, for naked runs, I love my Vibram Five Fingers. They provide a great comfort even on rough surface and are the closest to barefoot.

Some serious sunscreen

Even, if you intend to run in the shade, I would recommend to use sunscreen to protect your skin. Choose a good sport sunscreen that will stay even if you sweat and use all over your body.

A cover-up

In most countries, public nudity is an offense, so except if you are on the vicinity of a Naturist resort or run in a country like Germany or Spain where public nudity is tolerated, have a cover up handy. I generally uses a small sarong with Velcro, I can easily take off or put on. I can fold it and carry it, or I sometimes put it under my cap. On some occasion, I have a thong swimsuit that I put around my arm. It’s a little big awkward to put it on in case of an encounter, but easier to carry than the sarong. In all cases, better safe than sorry.

Your naturism federation membership card

In case you still encounter angry people that will want to involve police, have your national naturism federation membership card. This will allow to share with police and even angry people that naturism is a legal activity, that you are an active member of the national naturism federation, and that your behavior was not of sexual nature. Furthermore, national naturism federation provides legal counsel that may be of help in case the situation goes haywire. A small pocked in your cap will hold your card and will keep you safe.

The female case

Ladies, if you have big breasts, running naked can become uncomfortable. You may want to wear a sport bra to avoid your breasts from bouncing. As little as possible of textile to enjoy naked running. However, give it a try without it, it may be possible too.

And this is it. You are now equipped with the perfect gears to run naked and enjoy sport the best possible way. Now comes the action time and the question of where you should practice naked running. This will be the topic of a coming blog post. Stay tuned! In the meantime, stay naked!

Photo by Kristian Egelund on Unsplash


  1. Also a runner and a naturist, running naked is also a dream I could only make true a couple of times in a long deserted beach.
    Waiting for your next post: “Where” is the most difficult question!

  2. I also HIGHLY recommend you put some kind of cream. gel, or something to help with the chaffing between your legs on your thighs.

  3. […] run or hike naked, outside of any naturist setting. I urge you to do it. The beauty is that, from a gear perspective, you don’t need much. You will need to manage encounters with textilists, however, in most nature […]

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