Nudist idea #94: Organize a beach cleaning event, naked


After winter, the beaches are not generally as clean as they were during summer. Winter storms have thrown on the shores many trashes. Spring is an ideal time to help get the beach clean for the warm season. Why not offering your arms to your municipality? With one twist: clean the beach naked to promote naturism?

Of course, if you want to clean a naked beach, you will not need any authorization. However, if you want to be a good citizen and offer your arms, it will require some negotiation. Propose to your nudist club to go and see the municipality to see if they need help to clean the beach. Tell them you are ready to do this for free with the help of your nudist club members. You will clean the nudist part of the beach and may be others if the municipal council agrees.

If you have a go, ensure it drives some publicity from the local press and use this event to promote naturism. If the weather does not allow you to be naked, so be it, but ensure people know that you are from the nearby naturist club and promote naturism, by offering a free day at the club to newbies. You will kill many birds with one stone: promoting naturism, recruiting new members and setting your club in the normal social setting. Icing on the cake, you will have a clean beach for spring and summer!

Have you organized a naked beach cleaning event? How was it? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by, CC BY 2.0


  1. An outstanding suggestion for a bare activity that can not only benefit the environment for us but also for others. We’ve done this several times and it’s a superb way to promote not only nudity but as a means of making new bare friends! Naked hugs!

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