Nudist idea #95: Create a naked hikes subgroup inside the local hiking group


There are many hiking group and very few naked hiking ones Sometimes it’s difficult to setup naked hikes, just because of the lack of members. One way to overcome the challenge is to create a naked hike subgroup within a larger hiking group.

Image result for randonné naturisteIf you love to hike naked and know about a clothed hiking group, pay the latter a visit. Become a member, explain that you are a member of a local nudist group, and that sometimes you hike naked. Ask if the group would accept naked hikers during normal hikes and if a subgroup of naked hikers could be setup.

There’s of course a risk that the group refuses, but there’s a chance it accepts. It can therefore work multiple ways:

  • You can join normal hikes and get naked if the group accepts, showing people social nudity is normal.
  • You can setup your own naked hikes and invite others to participate naked or not.
  • You can help the organizing committee showing your commitment to the group.

Image result for randonnée naturisteThe whole idea is to expose more people to naturism and naked hiking in particular, showing there’s nothing wrong with it, and inviting others to shed their clothes to enjoy the freedom. This will be a recruitment driving force for your nudist club too.

Have you organized a naked hike group? How is it working? Tell us about your experience in the comments below. Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

(c) Photo, les Randonneurs Nu de Provence, and from PxHere


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