Beyond burkinis: why science suggests ALL clothes should be banned


All nudists need to dress to carry some errands like shopping in the nearest mall for instance, as nudity may, unfortunately, not been allowed. However, most nudists agree that if they could stay naked whenever and wherever they wanted, that what they would chose. In this article of The Guardian, the author suggests that clothes should be banned and provides some good reasons for this:

  • Clothes do more harm than good: clothes have been used as political tools. Look at the difference between cheap and expensive clothing, or perceived unappropriate or appropriate clothes. Clothes often defines the perception people have of a person, without looking beyond. What about the famous “dress code” that obliges you to wear something you may not be comfortable with?
  • Environmental damages due to washing. Soap and detergents are bad for nature. No clothes mean no washing.
  • Body shaming ends. If everybody is naked, flaws are all visible and body shaming is much more difficult when nobody’s perfect…

There could be a ton of other reasons, as we have seen in the 10 reasons why I am a nudist and you should be too. Naturism is one of the best lifestyles, if not the best, as long as temperature and security allows it. If you are not a naturist yes, give it a try, find other good reasons while browsing through this blog and others.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share The Naked Love!

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

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