101 Ideas to Increase Nude Time and Nudist Friends – The Book


The fourth book in the Nudism series has just been released.

The Comfort of Nudity is still free in digital edition for our subscribers, who will also receive 12 Ways to Become Comfortable with Nudity for free. Both books are also available in paperback format, for a small fee, on Amazon, along the two others.

101 Ideas to Increase Nude Time and Nudist Friends is the book version of 100 ideas that were written on this blog a couple of years back. The text has been enhanced to transform it into a full book. Having the paperback version allows to have it in your physical library and to potentially share it with your friends and family. Compared to the digital edition it includes pictures.

The four books are a great way to discover more about nudism and be able to share with others. They are great ice breakers, and both The Comfort and 12 Ways make wonderful gifts for people who are sitting on the fence with nudism. Don’t wait and add the Nudism series to your reading list.

Strip Naked, Stay naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


    • Not sure what you mean with this comment? All the books and this post relate to naturism and only to naturism. What makes you think there’s pornography here?

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