Embracing Nudity, a new book in the Nudism series

Embracing Nudity

I’m happy to announce the release of the new book Embracing Nudity, third opus in the Nudism series, after The Comfort of Nudity and 12 ways to be comfortable with nudity. If you do not have the first opus in the series, you can download the digital edition for free by clicking here.

Embracing Nudity exists in various digital format at the main e-libraries and in paperback at Amazon. It’s structured in 6 chapters:

  • Why Nudism. It provides information of what is nudism and why so many people are embracing this lifestyle for a day, a holiday or every day.
  • Why You Should Be Nudist. It goes over the many benefits of nudism and the reasons why people become nudists. You will find one or many that will resonate with your own practice and experience.
  • Becoming a Nudist. This chapter gives you step by step guidance on how to become a nudist and provides guidance and advices for new nudists.
  • Nudist Holidays. One of the best times to discover nudism is holidays. Here, you will discover what to expect from nudist holidays, how to prepare them and why they should be on the list of your next holidays.
  • Going Naked in Nature. Once you experience nudism in camping, resorts or villages, you can venture in nature, from naked hiking to naked jogging, you will see how to become a nature nudist.
  • What’s Next? So now you are a nudist, what can you do more? This chapter goes into topics like how to explain to your friends and family that you are a nudist and how to increase the number of your nudist friends.

Thought out for the new nudists, seasoned ones will find useful topics to expand their nudist practice. It is a great gift for people who wonder what naturism and nudism are and a great way to share this wonderful lifestyle. As a gift or for yourself, get a copy now!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked, and Share the Naked Love!


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