Naturist Thought #13 – Daily


Starting the day naked everyday brings me joy. it’s difficult to describe, but I feel lighter when my day starts with full two hours of complete nudity after a full night of sleeping, naked of course, as every night (I have not worn a pajama for years). Waking up, going to the bathroom, preparing the breakfast, sharing it with family, working out, meditating, all naked every day is part of my morning routine.

I cannot envisage doing this but naked. There are occasions when it’s not possible, for instance when you need to have breakfast at a hotel restaurant. However, I always try to manage naked time in the morning to start the day. Try it yourself, start your day naked, relearn to enjoy simple nudity. It brings happiness to your day. And there are days I do not touch clothes at all. This is a real blessing.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by form PxHere


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