Nudist idea #78: Participate in a naked TV show


If you ever think about being naked in front of a camera, and no, not in a sexual way, then a naked TV show could be a choice. There have been many shows over the year, and this article lists 10 of them.

Image result for naked tv showOf course, there will be a selection, so even if you wish, it may not happen. There may be other risks associated to the show like in Naked and Afraid, so you may think twice before going. On the other side of the spectrum, Skin Wars can be quite artistic, with beautiful body painting. Or if you are looking for a lover, Dating Naked can be your choice. So, but what’s the deal in participating in a naked TV show?

Image result for naked tv showThe deal is first of all to be naked. Of course, you will need to want to be on TV, which not all of us would want. But if being on TV is one of your goals and you are a nudist, then featuring in a naked TV show may be the right pick. Of course, there’s a risk it will be misinterpreted by your friends and family, so you will need to pick the right one and be open on the reasons you are participating. But beyond this, as in a ll activities in life and particularly naked ones, have fun!

Have you participated in a naked TV show? How was it? How did you feel? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


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