Nudist idea #57: Go on a naked camping trip


If, like me, you like nature and nudism, a naked camping trip is one of a kind to really enjoy to be naked in nature. Pick a good spot, chose whether you’re going to walk or drive, pack your things and go!

You have basically two options for camping naked: camp in a nudist camping park, camp in nature. I prefer the second option, as I tend to avoid organized camping sites (in some countries, like Australia, it’s forbidden to camp in nature, but you can find secluded camping sites in natural park though). If you plan to walk, you can kill two birds with one stone: naked hiking and naked camping. Plan well though, particularly water supply, if you are in a really remote area! If you plan moving from one place to the other by car, you’ll need to check places where you can be naked without any problems.

As said the best is to go for a couple of days in summer, all naked by walking. In a lot of countries, there are national parks that allow you to walk and camp for days without meeting anyone, and sometimes nudity is tolerated (check this article from Mens Journal). In my experience, the more secluded places you go, the less issues will arise even you encounter other hikers or campers, as those people will have their experience and yours at heart, enjoying nature as you are. They may even join the party in the buff. In all cases, keep a smile on your face and be respectful of nature and others.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and for your comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Jack Sloop on Unsplash


    • As long as you are out of sight of the other campers and not making an exhibitionist display of yourselves, of course it is. Ms. K

        • Mr. Lee it appears you misunderstand what what living as nudist is about. The other campers aren’t very likely to grant you that freedom. Plus where are going to find a group of female friends who want to do sexual things in front of other ?? I’m just trying to be polite by saying I think you have found the wrong site to explore your nudity. Social nudity with others is not about sex. Ms. K

          • Agree with you. Jason Andrew Lee, nudists enjoy non sexual social nudity. How you want to live your sexuality is your choice and is not the topic of my blog. I hope this clarifies topic here.

  1. Since 1980 (first nude backpacking trip), naked is the main way I camp. The only times I wear clothes is if it’s cold, or if I am with a non-nudist group that would be offended by simple nudity. (This only happens once or twice a year. I go camping at least once a month)

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