Nudist idea #48: Have a walk on a beach naked at night


As nudists, we all know how comfortable it is to be naked in nature. Unfortunately, not all places are nudist friendly and it’s not always possible to shed all our clothes wherever we want. However, if you are near a textile beach in the summer time, there’s some good chance you can enjoy some nudity at night.

sea-2563382_1280Very few people are going to the beach at night. Some may light a bonfire, some may try skinny dipping if the water is not too cold, but very few will and this provides a great opportunity on a cool night to stroll along the seashore, just wearing your smile enjoying the coolness of the atmosphere.

Of course, some beaches may be too lit to get naked, and you may need to find a more secluded place, but my experiences show that when there’s a will, there’s a way, and a really peaceful and enjoyable way.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash


  1. We don’t live close to a coastline. However we do have lakes and reservoirs where camping and swimming are allowed. The wife and I have skinny dipped numerous times and strolled nude up and down the roads of the camp grounds at night many times as well. The feeling of freedom is unbelievable.

  2. It’s awesome to walk nude on the beach at night and during the day I love to be seen nude by people I love when people stare at me both men and women and we get into conversation even if the other person is not nude because I love to be seen nude

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