Nudist idea #47: Go skinny-dipping


Skinny dipping is one of the possible entry point into nudism. Generally, you’re with a group of friends on the shore of a lake or at the sea, in a secluded spot, and one decided to go swim naked. By a ripple effect, all get naked and jump into the water.

A lot of people already went skinny dipping. It’s interesting to read in the Wikipedia article about nude swimming that it was a common practice in a lot of public swimming pool until the early 60’s and is coming back (slowly though) with the advance of naturism.

Generally skinny dippers tend to wrap themselves into towels once out of water for modesty. However, if one or two stay naked without towel, it’s a great opening to having more people to stay naked and join nudist activities. If you are a seasoned nudist, grab any opportunity to go skinny dipping and explain to people the many benefits of social nudity and nudism.

We all know it’s a great healthy lifestyle and the more the merrier, therefore, thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Ebdow – Own work, CC0


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