Nudist idea #46: Allow only nakedness on your boat


If you are the happy owner of a boat and the weather is nice, ask people to embrace nudism aboard your boat. Like not going to textile beach when you have a nudist alternative, boating should always be experienced naked.

Let’s face it. What is more pleasurable than enjoying a sunny day in one’s birthday suit? Doing the same with friends! And spending a good time on a boat, is a treat. Whether it’s a big or small boat, a motor or a sail boat, just get naked aboard. Not only it will be much more comfortable, it will be more enjoyable and you will get a great chance to avoid tan lines. Icing on the cake, if some non nudist friends join you, it’s a wonderful opportunity to welcome them to this awesome lifestyle.

Even in a non naturist environment, it seems people are more likely to accept nude people on a boat. It’s true that a boat is a perfect setup for being naked: few people around, sunny weather generally, holidays… ideal time to throw any form of clothing and enjoy total nudity. Like all nudist activity, non nudist people may ask question and be curious about the lifestyle. It’s therefore a wonderful moment to explain what social nudism is about, and draw a clear line between sex and nudity, making people comfortable that your boat is not a swinger’s paradise but just a place to enjoy the comfort of being naked like in any other naturist venue. And there’s nothing wrong by being naked with friends and family, as nudism is a social lifestyle that million enjoy and share around the globe. Make your boat a nudist venue!

Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Painting by Henry Scott Tuke – by GrahamColm, Public Domain


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