You Should Get Naked More Often. It’s Good For You.


A very cool article from It provides five health advices of why you should be naked more often:

  1. Your skin will improve.
  2. You’ll sleep better
  3. You’ll have better sex
  4. Your nether regions will thank you
  5. You’ll reduce your risk of heart attack

Naturists will probably all agree with those 5 benefits, and such an article is a great way to show some of the direct health benefits of getting naked. There are many others, like the ones described in The Scientific Reasons Why You Should Just Always Be Naked or Nudity Provides Health Benefits for Your Body and Brain.

Keep those health, body and mind, benefits in a corner of your brain, they are a good way to convince textiles to accompany you to your next naturist week-end!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share The Naked Love!

Picture (c) Jason Hoffman/Thrillist


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