The Naked Trilogy, by Sally Dali


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I want to start by saying that I loved this trilogy. I devoured it in one day. The topic is the relation of the author to naturism, and how she lives her passion on a daily basis. The narrative keeps flowing, often makes you smile, and writing is pleasant. I encourages you, naturist or not, to grab this book. It’s an ode to this wonderful lifestyle that is naturism. These three books follow each other, and it is best to read them in order.
They reveal the psychology of the author. They describe in detail her happiness to live naked, and this need that the naturists have to get naked. It addresses naturism without complex. It does separate naturism and sexuality, but deals with the pleasing side of seeing a naked body. If you are naturist, you will definitely find yourself in its lines. If you are not, you will discover an unsuspected respect and wellness. I wish you good reading, naked as it should!

Volume 1: Being Naked

In the first volume, Sally explains how she discovered naturism, and how it has become her life. It emphasizes particularly its relationship with nature. For instance, when she takes his horse in the meadow, in her birthday suit. Or, when she walk around naked in the surrounding countryside.
She describes her daily naturist life with her friends, her sister and brother-in-law. And how she organizes nudist evenings. Her stay at Vera Playa in Spain helped her discover the happiness of being nude for any activities, including shopping or going to the restaurant. It also explains the happiness felt by the sharing of nudity during social activity.
Sally made me smile reminding here readers that she’s a woman, and that as such, as many of her peers, she loves clothes! What is not, in any way, incompatible with the happiness of being naked. It also introduces her relationship with Fleur, a ballerina who dances nude, and which will remain one of her lovers.
After sharing some naturist experiences in England, France and Spain, she discovers Montalivet. She makes the decision to live there, naked all year round. The book ends when she sets up at Montalivet with her friend Bryan. She’s now able to assume her happiness to live naked.

Volume 2: Still naked

In the second volume, Sally continues to describe her life in Montalivet. She writes about her many experiences of total nudity and her sentimental life. This included a long passage with Fleur, both in England and in France. Fleur puts her finger on the fatigue that Sally feels, living in a naturist environment. It’s almost at the same time Bryan decides to leave Montalivet for California.
Sally faces a dilemma: what to do with the house? This interlude introduces a crispy story before ending with a French roommate. The choice of the roommate episode is the pretext for a few stories with ‘fake’ naturists.
The roommate story turns out to be interesting. It prompts reflections on naturism and mutual respect between textile and nudist. I liked this sentence as she comes back on her happiness to be naked: “naturism is an experience to be shared”. This gives a good overview of the spirit of the book. This volume ends with the feeling shared by all naturist: “I like being naked.”

Volume 3: Naked in winter

The third and final book deals with the relationship between nudism and cold. Indeed, in countries such as the France or England, winter is not conducive to nudity. It begins by looking at the comfort of being well in the warmth, and taking advantage of the beautiful winter days to enjoy snow and sun. It also reviewed nudist activities, as the openings of museums for nudists.
Then, it wanders in the naturist literature, oriented more towards sexual topics than naturist ones. It describes the textile – naturist relationship, especially when one person is nude and the other clothed. Finally, it focuses on nudity as a tool of protest, as for example with the Femen. As she says: “I tend to do a lot of thinking during the winter months and my thoughts go off in all directions.” Naked in the winter, she confides her thoughts.
She moves from France to England. From her life with her roommate to her relations with Fleur. And she questions the need to be naked, even in winter. She takes us in her love affair with Cressida, then finishes on the need to maintain her body to live nude still long!


It is a pity that these books do not exist in French for our French readers. I would like to make a call to Sally: if she goes through this page while wandering on the web, I would be delighted to translate this book in French. Contact me if you are interested:


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