Nudity and Growth: Reflections on My Second Month of Naturist Resolutions in 2023

crop male employee writing on whiteboard in office
Photo by Malte Luk on

We are at the beginning of March, and it’s the second pit stop on our 2023 nudist journey. As I emphasized on my post Happy Nude Year!, monthly reviews are an important moment to look at our progress. It’s a moment to look at the gauges and what they tell us.

In my previous month post, Nudity and Growth: Reflections on My First Month of Naturist Resolutions in 2023, i introduced the progress measurement four-level scale. Here it is as a reminder.

  • ++ I’m ahead. I can relax, while keeping an eye on it, but devote more time to more pressing goals.
  • + I’m on track. It’s great, I need to keep the pressure to keep on track.
  •  I’m slightly behind. This requires my attention and I need to spend more time and energy on this.
  •  I’m really behind. This requires my immediate attention and requires that I take tangible actions, with more time and energy.

So here I am on my goals and magical triplets (for all explanations about those goals and triplets, how to set and monitor them, I encourage you to read Happy Nude Year!)

Spend 120 days naked30 days quarterlyThe short month of February was tough on nudity with a lot of really cold days. Somehow, with determination, I managed to crank 11 days, which brings the total to 23 days to date. With a forecast of 13 days in March, this goal is fully on track to be exceeded++
Spend a full naked week in a naturist resortQ2The decision to move to Q3 is made. Now, I’m shopping around and need to decide where we’ll go.+
Make a five-day naked hike Q3I decided to merge this goal with the previous one, hence doing daily naked hikes around the nudist resort. Hitting two birds with one stone!+
Publish A passion for NudismQ4Gathered some interviews in January, but did not work on it in February. I need to rework the planning to fit in it. Down from last month.
Weekly exercise and meditationMeasured weeklyExercised daily, measured as 47 min daily on average. February was a full day with daily exercise from long walks to yoga and strenght training. A side effect of this is the quality of my sleep has dramatically increased.++
Work on my joie de vivreDailyPut smiling pictures on my desk, gloomy days were less in February and I feel more relaxed and joyful deep under, having put more levity in my daily activities.+
Get closer to friends and familyConstantlyHave done a little bit more, seen more friends, phoned relatives but I don’t feel totally on par with what I would like it to be. I need to be more intentional.
To really love my passion for naturismDailyI continue to be more at peace with it. The more impactful evidence of it was when my wife joined my naked yoga session with True Naked Yoga and we had an interesting discussion about nudism and my passion of it.++
To live my nudism more openlyDailyLess cold to be totally open about it, and totally comfortable with having discussion with friends and relatives now. My intention is to be naked when visiting my parents later this year.+
To dare sharing my nudist activities with othersDailyPlanning naturist activities with textile friends for Spring, but have not really made progress. I’m looking at going to nude beach and setting a naked hike. Progress needs to be made.
To protect my time from predatorsDailyDared to say no to many people who wanted my time. Still going well.++

Key Learnings from the First Month:

The Good

  • Finding peace with my naturist lifestyle
    • Despite heavy workload and some cold days, I have found peace and comfort in embracing a naturist lifestyle and living totally naked indoor and outdoor when possible (we had some beautiful days in February).
    • I have planned full-day nudity, which has added to my sense of peace and well-being, and managed to move things around to prioritize nude over clothed activities and days.
  • Increased involvement in naturist activities
    • I have become more involved in naturist communities, writing, and activities. Participation to video calls with the ANW community was awesome
    • Partnerships with naturist organizations take shape and that makes me feel more part of this incredible extended family of nudists and naturists..
  • Positive impact on physical and mental health
    • My focus on physical and mental health through daily exercise continues to have a noticeable and positive impact on my life.
    • It continues to improve my sleep, productivity, and mood, which has a very positive impact on my overall well-being.

The Bad

  • Balancing non nudist and nudist work
    • Nudism does not really pay the bills so far, so I need to strike the right balance, which I still struggle with.
    • A passion can consume and I try not to be consumed by it, although some days, I feel so good about nudism that I tend to forget the rest. Tight planning will make the work done
  • Creating a nudist-friendly home environment
    • I continue to work on creating a home environment that is more conducive to nudism, particularly on displaying more nudist-related items like pictures, books and magazine, although I have to strike a balance with my spouse who is not 100% comfortable with the idea.
    • This will help me encourage visiting friends to try naturism and make my home a more comfortable space for me and others.
  • Cultivating joy and positivity
    • Although my overall mood has improved and I continue to voluntarily take further steps to cultivate joy and positivity in my life.
    • I have not added a new meditation practice focused on increasing joie de vivre and positivity as planned, although I’ve increased naked yoga days to 4 a week with us helping a lot.

The first two months of the year have been very promising and I am glad to report that, so far, there have been no “ugly” aspects. I will continue focusing daily and weekly on those objectives with the clear goal of reaching all and exceeding some. I am changing the planning of some of my February and March naked (or not) activities to turn the negatives into positives and reinforce the positive ones.

This re-planning will drive more progress and joy in my life. By focusing on the things that matter most and making sure that I am utilizing my time effectively, I am setting myself up for success in life in general and in naturism in particular. I am looking forward to continuing to work hard and see the positive outcomes of this re-planning and re-evaluation in the coming months.

What about you? Where are you on your naturist journey? Are you making progress? Do you discover new facets of naturism and nudism? Do you need help? Please comment below and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Strip, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!


  1. Loved reading this journey you are on. I can relate to much of what you are going through. I’ve joined a naturist club and it has really helped me in knowing that being naked is normal and not some weird thing. I feel so happy and confident when I’m there with other like minded people. Thank you for sharing your experience, regards Stephen

  2. A very good practice to review the plan periodically. Best wishes for achieving your resolutions.
    My resolution for 2023 is just to increase the period & days in birthday suit. Naturism is illegal here in India & there is no point in making resolutions about enjoying nudism outside home, socially & in nature.

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