Nudity and Growth: Reflections on My First Month of Naturist Resolutions in 2023

pink notebook on the table
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

We are at the beginning of February, and it’s the first pit stop on our 2023 nudist journey. It’s a moment to look at the gauges and what they tell us about our progress.

I’m gauging my progress on a four-level scale:

  • ++ I’m ahead. I can relax, while keeping an eye on it, but devote more time to more pressing goals.
  • + I’m on track. It’s great, I need to keep the pressure to keep on track.
  • I’m slightly behind. This requires my attention and I need to spend more time and energy on this.
  • I’m really behind. This requires my immediate attention and requires that I take tangible actions, with more time and energy.

So here I am on my goals and magical triplets (for all explanations about those goals and triplets, how to set and monitor them, I encourage you to read Happy Nude Year!)

Spend 120 days naked30 days quarterly12 days in January ++
Spend a full naked week in a naturist resortQ2Thinking of moving to Q3+
Make a five-day naked hike Q3Working on finding the trail +
Publish A passion for NudismQ4Gathered some interviews in Jan+
Weekly exercise and meditationMeasured weeklyExercised daily, measured as 47 min daily on average+
Work on my joie de vivreDailyPut smiling pictures on my desk, but still have gloomy days
Get closer to friends and familyConstantlyHaven’t done much.
To really love my passion for naturismDailyI’m more and more at peace with it.++
To live my nudism more openlyDailyStill cold to be totally open about it, but fine with the idea.+
To dare sharing my nudist activities with othersDailyPlanning naturist activities with textile friends for Spring
To protect my time from predatorsDailyDared to say no to many people who wanted my time++

Key Learnings from the First Month:

The Good

  • Finding peace with my naturist lifestyle
    • Despite the challenges posed by my heavy workload and inclement winter weather, I have found peace and comfort in embracing a naturist lifestyle.
    • I have been able to make time for full-day nudity, which has added to my sense of peace and well-being.
  • Increased involvement in naturist activities
    • I have become more involved in naturist communities, writing, and activities.
    • I have also formed partnerships with naturist organizations, which has helped me feel more alive and connected to the naturist community.
  • Positive impact on physical and mental health
    • My focus on physical and mental health through daily exercise has had a noticeable impact on my life.
    • It has improved my sleep, productivity, and mood, which has had a positive impact on my overall well-being.

The Bad

  • Balancing work and personal relationships
    • I still struggle with finding a balance between my work and personal relationships.
    • I dedicate insufficient time to my friends and family, which I aim to improve in the future.
  • Creating a nudist-friendly home environment
    • I need to work on creating a home environment that is more conducive to nudism.
    • This will help me encourage visiting friends to try naturism and make my home a more comfortable space for me and others.
  • Cultivating joy and positivity
    • Although my overall mood has improved, I plan to take further steps to cultivate joy and positivity in my life.
    • I will add a new meditation practice focused on increasing joie de vivre and positivity, which I believe will help me feel more joyful throughout the day.

The first few months of the year have been very promising and I am glad to report that there have been no “ugly” aspects so far. While it’s still early in the year, I am not one to give up easily and I believe that any objectives or goals that have not been met can still be recovered. I am not dropping anything, but rather re-evaluating and re-planning some of my February and March naked (or not) activities. This re-evaluation will allow me to turn any negatives into positives and make better use of my time.

I am confident that this re-planning will lead to even more progress and joy in my life. By focusing on the things that matter most and making sure that I am utilizing my time effectively, I am setting myself up for success in life in general and in naturism in particular. I am looking forward to continuing to work hard and see the positive outcomes of this re-planning and re-evaluation in the coming months.

What about you? Where are you on your naturist journey? Are you making progress? Do you discover new facets of naturism and nudism? Do you need help? Please comment below and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Strip, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!


  1. Hang in there. The gloom and cold of winter gives everyone a challenge to stay positive & optomistic! Have you made a place in your quarters for a “warm room” in which you can be happily bare for at least a few hours each week?

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