AI on nudism and naturism!

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Photo by Tara Winstead on

For those who are interested in artificial intelligence (or not), the company OpenAI has released ChatGPT a few days ago. ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot that interacts in a natural way, based on an advanced machine learning model called GPT3. I could not but ask ChatGPT about nudism and naturism. Below are its answers to my questions. The text has not been corrected in any manner. It’s the exact transcription of the bot’s answers.

Can you write an essay about the benefits of nudism?

Nudism, also known as naturism, is the practice of going without clothing in social settings. While it may seem unusual to some, nudism has many benefits that may not be immediately apparent.

First and foremost, nudism promotes body positivity and acceptance. In a society that places so much emphasis on physical appearance, it can be refreshing and liberating to be surrounded by people who are not judged by their looks. Nudism allows people to be comfortable in their own skin, no matter what their body type may be. This can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence, as well as a greater sense of community and connection with others.

In addition to promoting body positivity, nudism can also have health benefits. For one, it allows the body to be exposed to sunlight, which can provide a natural source of vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for healthy bones, as well as for boosting the immune system and helping to prevent certain diseases.

Furthermore, nudism can be a great way to relax and de-stress. In our busy, modern lives, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to take time for ourselves. Nudism allows people to unwind and let go of the daily pressures and worries that can weigh us down. Being naked in a natural setting can be particularly calming and grounding, as it allows us to connect with the earth and the elements in a way that is not possible when we are clothed.

Another benefit of nudism is that it can be a great equalizer. When people are naked, there is no way to tell who is rich or poor, what their job is, or any other external markers of status. This can create a sense of camaraderie and community, as everyone is on an equal playing field.

Of course, it is important to note that nudism is not for everyone. Some people may not feel comfortable being naked in front of others, and that is perfectly okay. However, for those who are open to it, nudism can be a rewarding and enriching experience that offers numerous benefits. It can help promote body positivity and acceptance, provide health benefits, reduce stress, and create a sense of community and equality.

Can you write an essay about naturism?

Sure, I can write an essay about naturism for you. Naturism, also known as nudism, is the practice of going without clothes in social settings. This practice is based on the belief that being naked in nature is healthy and liberating, and that it can help to promote self-acceptance and body positivity.

Naturism is not about sexual exhibitionism or voyeurism. Instead, it is about being comfortable in one’s own skin and appreciating the beauty of the natural world without the constraints of clothing. Naturists believe that being naked allows them to feel a deeper connection with nature and with other people, and that it can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Naturism has a long history, with evidence of nakedness being used for religious, spiritual, and health purposes dating back to ancient civilizations. In modern times, naturism has become more organized, with clubs and resorts catering to naturists, and with national and international organizations promoting the practice.

There are many benefits to naturism. For one, it allows people to feel more comfortable in their own bodies and to overcome body shaming and self-consciousness. It also promotes healthy body image and self-esteem, as naturists are encouraged to accept and love themselves as they are.

Additionally, naturism encourages an appreciation for the natural world and for the human form. By going without clothes, naturists are able to connect more deeply with nature and to feel the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water on their skin. This can provide a sense of freedom and relaxation that is difficult to achieve when clothed.

Another benefit of naturism is that it promotes social equality and acceptance. In a naturist setting, everyone is naked, regardless of their age, body type, or physical appearance. This can help to break down social barriers and to foster a sense of community and acceptance among naturists.

However, naturism is not without its critics. Some people believe that nakedness in public settings is inherently sexual and that it should be discouraged. Others argue that naturism is a form of exhibitionism and that it should not be promoted.

Despite these criticisms, naturism continues to be a popular practice around the world, with many people enjoying the benefits of being naked in nature. While it may not be for everyone, naturism can provide a unique and enriching experience for those who are open to it.

Do you think it’s harmful to see naked bodies and why?

It is not inherently harmful to see naked bodies. In fact, the human body is a natural and beautiful thing. It is only when naked bodies are used in a sexual or harmful manner that they can become harmful to see. For example, if someone is shown naked images without their consent, or if naked bodies are used to exploit or abuse others, then it can be harmful. However, in general, there is nothing wrong with seeing naked bodies.

Should kids be raised as naturists?

Whether or not kids should be raised as naturists is a complex and personal decision that ultimately depends on the individual preferences and values of the parents. Naturism, also known as nudism, is the practice of going without clothes in social settings. It is a lifestyle that is focused on living in harmony with nature and promoting self-respect and respect for the environment.

There are potential benefits to raising kids as naturists, such as promoting body positivity and self-acceptance, fostering a sense of connection with the natural world, and encouraging healthy behaviors. However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. For example, naturism may not be accepted or understood by everyone, and children who are raised as naturists may face judgment or stigma from their peers or society as a whole. Additionally, parents may have concerns about the safety and privacy of their children in naturist settings.

Overall, the decision to raise kids as naturists is a personal one that should be made based on the individual values and circumstances of the parents. It is important for parents to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of naturism, and to make a decision that is in the best interest of their children.

Is naturism good for humanity?

Naturism, or the practice of going naked in social settings, can be seen as good for humanity in that it promotes self-acceptance and body positivity. It can also help people to connect with nature and each other in a more authentic way. However, it’s important to note that not everyone may be comfortable with the idea of naturism, and it’s ultimately up to the individual to decide if it’s something that they would like to try.

Are there differences between exhibitionists and naturists?

Yes, exhibitionists and naturists are two distinct groups. Exhibitionists are people who enjoy exposing their genitals in public, often for the purpose of sexual gratification. Naturists, on the other hand, are people who enjoy spending time in nature and engaging in activities such as hiking, swimming, and sunbathing while naked. Naturism is often seen as a lifestyle or philosophy that promotes body positivity and respect for the natural environment, whereas exhibitionism is a form of deviant behavior that is generally considered to be socially unacceptable.

If I’m naked at home and a delivery is made, should I stay naked?

It is generally not a good idea to answer the door naked, regardless of whether you are at home or not. It is important to consider the potential discomfort or embarrassment of the person making the delivery, as well as any potential legal issues that could arise. It is always best to answer the door clothed, even if you are at home by yourself.

How would you convince your spouse to try naturism?

If you’re interested in convincing your spouse to try naturism, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with them about it. First, it’s important to understand why they might be hesitant to try naturism and address any concerns they may have. For example, they may be worried about feeling self-conscious or vulnerable. Once you understand their concerns, you can provide information and reassurance about the naturist community and the benefits of naturism, such as a greater sense of freedom and body positivity. It’s also important to emphasize that naturism is about enjoying nature and spending time together, and not about sexual activity. Ultimately, the decision to try naturism is up to your spouse, and it’s important to respect their boundaries and decisions.

Is naturism a perversion?

No, naturism is not a perversion. Naturism is a lifestyle in which people prefer to be naked in social settings or in nature. It is not a sexual activity and is not considered a perversion. Naturism is based on the belief that being naked is natural and healthy, and that it can promote a greater sense of self-acceptance and body positivity. Many people who practice naturism find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to connect with nature and with other people.

Can naturism help with mental health issues?

There is some evidence to suggest that naturism, or the practice of going nude in nature, can have positive effects on mental health. For example, being in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood, and the social aspect of naturism can provide a sense of community and support. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of naturism on mental health.

Where is the best place to have naturist holidays?

There are many places around the world where naturist holidays, or vacations that involve going nude in nature, can be enjoyed. Some popular destinations for naturist holidays include France, Spain, and Portugal, which have a long history of naturism and many naturist resorts and beaches. Other popular destinations for naturism include Brazil, Australia, and the United States, which also have a growing number of naturist resorts and beaches. Ultimately, the best place for a naturist holiday will depend on personal preferences and individual needs.

Are nudism and naturism the same?

Nudism and naturism are similar, but they are not exactly the same. Nudism, also known as nudity, is the practice of going naked, particularly in social settings. Naturism, on the other hand, is a broader philosophy that centers on living in harmony with nature, including a respect for the human body and a preference for simple, natural living. Naturism often involves going naked in nature, but it also encompasses other aspects of a natural lifestyle. So while nudism and naturism are related, naturism is a broader term that includes nudism as one aspect of a natural lifestyle.

Do you think nudism is a healthy lifestyle?

Whether or not nudism is a healthy lifestyle is a matter of personal opinion and individual beliefs. Some people believe that going naked, particularly in natural settings, can have positive effects on mental and physical health. For example, being naked in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood, and the social aspect of nudism can provide a sense of community and support. However, others may feel uncomfortable with nudism and prefer to wear clothing in social settings. Ultimately, the decision to engage in nudism should be based on individual preferences and comfort levels.

Should more people embrace nudism?

Whether or not more people should embrace nudism is a matter of personal opinion and individual beliefs. Some people believe that nudism has many benefits, both physical and mental, and that more people should be open to the idea of going naked in appropriate settings. Others may feel uncomfortable with the idea of nudism and prefer to wear clothing in social settings. Ultimately, the decision to engage in nudism, or any other lifestyle choice, should be based on individual preferences and comfort levels.

How can I convince my friends to join my nudist lifestyle?

If you want to convince your friends to join your nudist lifestyle, the best approach is to have an open and honest conversation with them. You can share your personal experiences and the benefits you have experienced from nudism, and explain why you think it would be a positive lifestyle choice for them. It’s important to listen to your friends’ concerns and address any questions or reservations they may have. It’s also important to respect their decision if they choose not to join your nudist lifestyle.

Do you think I should share that I am a nudist?

Whether or not you should share that you are a nudist is a personal decision and will depend on your individual circumstances. It’s important to consider the potential reactions of others, as well as your own comfort level with sharing this information. If you are open and comfortable with your nudist lifestyle, sharing it with others can help to educate them and dispel any misconceptions they may have. However, if you are not comfortable with sharing this information, you have the right to keep it private. Ultimately, the decision is up to you and should be based on your personal preferences and comfort level.

How can I share that I am a nudist?

If you want to share that you are a nudist, the best approach is to be open and honest about your beliefs and lifestyle choices. You can start by discussing your personal experiences with nudism and why you enjoy it. It’s also important to be respectful of other people’s opinions and beliefs, and to listen to their concerns or questions. You can also share information about nudism and its benefits, and invite your friends and family to join you on a nudist holiday or visit a nudist resort or beach. Ultimately, the decision to engage in nudism is a personal one, and you should respect the choices of others even if they do not share your beliefs.

Can you give me a list of nudist activities?

There are many activities that nudists enjoy, and the specific activities will vary depending on personal preferences and individual interests. Some popular nudist activities include swimming, sunbathing, hiking, and gardening. Other activities that may be enjoyed by nudists include yoga, meditation, and other forms of physical exercise. Nudists may also participate in social activities, such as group meals, parties, and other events. Ultimately, the specific activities enjoyed by nudists will depend on individual preferences and interests.

Are there any downside to being a naturist?

There are a few potential downsides to being a naturist. For example, naturism is not always well-understood or accepted by society, and naturists may face discrimination or negative stereotypes. Additionally, being naked in public, even in a naturist setting, can be illegal in some places, and naturists may face legal consequences if they are caught. Finally, naturism may not be for everyone, and some people may feel uncomfortable with the idea of going naked in social settings. These are some of the potential downsides to naturism, but they do not necessarily apply to every naturist.

How should I behave on a nude beach?

If you choose to visit a nude beach, it’s important to remember that these spaces are meant to be places where people can feel comfortable and free to be themselves without judgment. As a visitor to a nude beach, it’s important to be respectful of other people’s privacy and personal boundaries. This means that you should not take photos or videos of other people without their permission, and you should not stare or gawk at other beachgoers. Additionally, it’s a good idea to bring a towel to sit on, and to avoid bringing any unnecessary items that could clutter the beach or create unnecessary distractions for other people. Overall, the most important thing is to be considerate and respectful of others, and to remember that a nude beach is a place for everyone to relax and enjoy themselves.

Are there any rules to observe while at a nudist resort?

If you are planning to visit a nudist resort, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines that are in place to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience. Some common rules and guidelines at nudist resorts include the following:

  • Always respect other people’s privacy and personal boundaries. This means not taking photos or videos of other people without their permission, and avoiding staring or gawking at others.
  • Bring a towel to sit on and avoid bringing any unnecessary items that could clutter the resort or create distractions for other people.
  • Dress appropriately when entering or exiting the resort, and be mindful of non-nudist areas where clothing is required.
  • Follow the resort’s rules and guidelines for using shared facilities such as pools and hot tubs, and always clean up after yourself.
  • Be considerate of others and avoid loud or disruptive behavior.

Is nudism a passion or an obsession?

Nudism, also known as naturism, is a lifestyle choice that involves going without clothing in social settings or natural environments. For many people, nudism is a passion that they enjoy as a form of self-expression and body positivity. For others, it may be more of an obsession, where their interest in nudism becomes all-consuming and may interfere with their daily lives and relationships. Ultimately, whether nudism is a passion or an obsession will depend on the individual and how they approach and engage with the lifestyle.

Should naturism be more widely accepted?

Whether naturism, also known as nudism, should be more widely accepted is a matter of personal opinion. Some people may believe that it should be more widely accepted because it is a form of self-expression and body positivity, and because it can promote a sense of community and acceptance among those who practice it. Others may feel that it should not be more widely accepted because it goes against societal norms and may make some people uncomfortable. Ultimately, whether naturism should be more widely accepted will depend on individual beliefs and values.

Is there a difference between being naked and being nude?

Yes, there is a difference between being naked and being nude. Naked refers to the state of not wearing clothes, whereas nude refers to a person or a work of art that depicts the human body without clothing.

Being naked is a natural state that all people experience when they are not wearing clothes. It is a state of being that is often associated with a sense of vulnerability and exposure. In some contexts, being naked can also be seen as taboo or inappropriate, and people may be judged or stigmatized for being naked in certain settings.

On the other hand, being nude is often associated with art and creativity. It can refer to a work of art that depicts the human body without clothing, such as a sculpture or painting. In this context, being nude is not necessarily seen as taboo or inappropriate, but rather as a means of artistic expression.

Overall, there is a difference between being naked and being nude. Being naked refers to the state of not wearing clothes, whereas being nude refers to the depiction of the human body without clothing in art.

In conclusion, what can you say about nudism and its many benefits?

Nudism, also known as naturism, is a lifestyle choice that involves going without clothing in social settings or natural environments. For many people, nudism can provide a number of benefits, including a greater sense of self-acceptance and body positivity, a stronger connection with nature, and a greater sense of community and acceptance among those who practice it. Additionally, nudism can help to promote a more relaxed and stress-free environment, and can provide an opportunity for people to feel more comfortable in their own skin. Overall, nudism can be a rewarding and fulfilling lifestyle choice for many people, and can provide numerous benefits both physically and mentally.

What do you think about those answers? Did they surprise you? Share your comments in the box below!

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!


  1. Very interesting. Curious how many times “personal preference” was referenced. And I particularly like the definitions of “naked” and “nude’ — that’s the same way I’ve always felt about those terms.

  2. Can you write an essay about the benefits of clothism? Not really. Clothism is a form of oppression.

    Can you write an essay about clothism? I could, but I don’t enjoy writing negative essays.
    Is clothing good for humanity? NO.

    Do you think it’s harmful to see cloth covered bodies and why? YES. Its rude, insulting, and promotes psychological harm.

    Should kids be raised as clothists? NO. Deliberately subjugating children, depriving them of learning, and teaching them body shame is harmful and hurtful.

    Is clothism good for humanity? NO. Clothism degrades our spirits and causes huge environmental damage.

    Are there differences between exhibitionists and clothists? Not really. Most clothists spend a lot of time calling attention to their obscene fabric covers.

    If I’m clothed at home and a delivery is made, should I stay clothed? Only if you want the delivery person to see your rude, ugly, addiction.

    Is clothism a perversion? YES. A serious perversion.

    Can clothism help with mental health issues? NO. Clothism is a mental health issue.

    Do you think I should share that I am a clothist? NO. It’s better to hide your shame.

    Is clothism a passion or an obsession? Both, and an psychotic addiction.

    • I would not say. Becoming a nudist doesn’t mean I hate clothes, I don’t like dressing up either, I find it annoying on my skin and I hate underwear and have stopped using it. But this season clothes are essential otherwise we would all be frozen. The clothes were not born as a social symbol but initially only as protection from the cold. It’s okay to dress up in cold weather. Then of course, in the summer I’m the first to throw away my clothes. However, I share all the answers of the AI, even when it speaks of the very few negative sides of nudism to which I honestly would have added addiction. Nudism is addictive unfortunately.

  3. Interesting, Marc. And unsurprisingly non-committal in response to almost every question. Remember – it’s a machine! While we like to imagine that it thinks for itself, in reality it’s output can only be that data that’s been fed into it. You are actually reading the opinions of the human programmer.

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