A Call to Nudist Bloggers: Blog More Often!


When I started Nu et Heureux, the first iteration of Nude and Happy, early in 2015 (the first article was posted on January 24, 2015), my goal was to share my love of nudism and naturism. My first post was 12 reasons why I am a nudist and you should be too! Since then, I posted 256 posts in French and 504 in English. This makes an average of 2.2 posts a week for last five and half years. I don’t know if I will continue to post at that rate for the next five and half years, but hey, the near future looks at least promising in the posting horizon.

Over the years, I’ve bookmarked dozens of naturist sites and blogs (links here) and am still discovering new ones every other week. The same has happened on Twitter, where I’ve twitted over 7,000 times and I’ve gathered 35,000 followers. Even if I’m less active on Instagram (mostly due to Facebook’s restriction on nudity), I still see some traction. However, Twitter and Instagram as micro-blogging platforms are more focused on selfies and personal updates than on more profound or researched articles or videos.

Browsing Nudist Content

Like many people, I love browsing the web and looking for content to get news, updates and fresh ideas about various topics, nudism being one of them. This is a reason why all nudist websites and blogs are bookmarked on my main browser and I have a look at most of them weekly. However, few provide regular updates. Hence, the title of this post. It’s not a rant and a call from an angry reader. It’s a call from a reader that just loves reading others’ writing, experiences and ideas on nudism and naturism.

In case that I’m not clear, let me repeat that I love nudism. I’m nude whenever I can, which means most of the time when I’m home, and whenever and wherever I can be when not home. This means holidays, beach days, hikes, visits to friends, etc. I think, although I’ve not counted, I am nude over 50% of my time, and probably amounting closer to 70%, if not 80%. This may seem a lot, but hey, like we say in French, when you love, you don’t count the cost. And I more than love being nude, it’s my most comfortable way of being from far, hence my first choice when possible (which is more frequent that we tend to think, as it’s sometimes just a matter of asking or just daring).

So having said this, I love reading nudist and naturist blogs, because I just love nudism and naturism. Most of those sites and blogs posts of are insightful and expose many facets of nudism, some I have not thought about. Those sites and blogs help me expand my knowledge of nudism and meet new nudists from all continents and all walks of life. They prove that nudism is well alive and practised by millions. However, I often feel frustrated as most of those sites and blogs authors don’t post regularly. Hence my appeal to you, fellow nudists! Nudism needs you!

How to Post More Often

We need more content and more frequent posts about nudism. I know it’s a matter of time for most of us. Writing blog posts take time, a lot of time. It requires dedication and ideas to write about. So let me give you the simple method I’ve been using for six years to write and post about nudism. It’s a 5-step method that you can apply to nudist blogging or any other regular activity:

  1. Write down ideas on an online/offline application. I use Microsoft OneNote. My phone and my computer are sync’d so I never love an idea. And if I don’t have them handy, I write ideas on a notepad and capture them later on OneNote
  2. Organize your notes once a week. Generally on Sunday evening, I take fifteen to twenty minutes to go over my notes and transfer interesting ones to my editorial calendar, a simple Google Sheet that contains those ideas and potential week to publish.
  3. Book time in your calendar to write/take care of your blog. I have 45 minutes booked everyday in my calendar, mostly early in the morning, and the whole of every Friday morning for my nudism projects, books and blogs. I’m not a professional blogger, but I am treating my nudism passion as I am any other professional activities.
  4. Write at the allocated time. During my allocated calendar slots, I transform ideas into blog posts, working on their structure, doing some research when it’s needed and saving as drafts. I have generally two or three draft blog posts that I can work on during my allocated time. I’m also using Scrivener for my books that some are transformed into blog posts, like Becoming a Nudist.
  5. Celebrate by twitting what you wrote. When a post is ready for publication, I ensure I have a tweet ready so my twitter followers can be made aware. I also started to post links on reddit, and will probably enhance my Medium presence in the future. Use whatever works for you, but make sure you let your readers know that you’ve posted a new piece.

With those simple 5 steps and some sense of discipline, anybody can manage a blog and post regularly. So, my nudist friends and bloggers, blog more, post more, share more. Nudism is an incredible lifestyle. I believe that adding voices to nudism will help it grow, bring more people to question the clothed world and increase our fellow nudist practitioners.

Finding Motivation

And if you need some nudge and motivation, here are 3 simple ideas that I’m using to stay disciplined with my activities:

  1. I always work in the nude. As I explained in multiple posts, being nude helps and motivates me. Nudity brings a level of levity and comfort that triggers the right nudge, most of the times.
  2. If motivation is low or time is lacking, I commit only five minutes. Sometime, I have an urgency, I am tired or ideas don’t come. I never beat myself up or find an excuse. I just open my computer, read some tweets from my nudist followers and go to the blog to have quick look at coming posts. I try to write one or two sentences, or plan a future post, or answer a comment. It’s all about doing a two-minute thing that pushes the needle forward and brings a smile on my face.
  3. I meditate and practice gratitude exercises. When motivation and ideas have seemed to be gone far away, I go into meditation mode. I sit or lay down and do a 10-minute meditation, during which I find things I’m grateful for, starting with the ability to be able to meditate nude, continuing with having so many readers and followers on my blogs and twitter, ending with all the beautiful experiences nudism has brought to my life. Those 10 minutes change every thing for me and allow me to bring back ideas and motivation to peak level.

I really hope that if you’ve read this post and are blogging about nudism, this will have triggered the willingness to blog and share more nudist experiences and ideas with your readers. I just love nudism and read about nudism. Some, including my significant other, say that I’m obsessed by nudism. I don’t feel I’m obsessed by it, I just love it for what it brings: happiness, comfort and friendship. I just it love for its simplicity. I just love it because it’s one of those things in life that costs nothing but has an immense value.

Get Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay


  1. http://mewe.com/join/nudistsnaturistsfreebeachers

    Hi Marc, we’ve communicated before; and I’ve let you know that I repost a lit of your posts at the group I started above. Would be honored if you’d join. I know your busy. So on your behalf I could continue to put up your posts if your ok with that.

    Hope you’ll think about becoming a participating member or even honorary would be a great boast for us.

    Free Beacher,

    pS:let them know I invited you ? ?

  2. I live in the UK, so not always warm enough to be naked outside, but always naked inside. Wished I lived out in the country so I could live a %100 nude life.Very lucky to live only 2 miles from a nudist beach, and remote beaches where I can be naked.

  3. I found that a commitment and passion for what I’m wishing to convey does motivate on my blog TheFreeRangeNaturist.org. Mt blog started in June 2015. Until recently, I posted at least once each week. Each post takes me an accumulation of a minimum of a long full day, by the time I have a quality piece. It is gratifying, what we post is a special bond between us. We believe in what we’re teaching, nude is more natural, can be practiced most places, not just regulated pens. Naturism is a spiritual practice and a human right. Free Range Naturism is fun and liberating…a couple more. I also contribute extensively to the site forum FreeRangeNaturism.com. I’ve spend over 90% of my time nude for more than a decade. Clothing is to me a weird thing, just silly in general. I can relate to you.

  4. 2.2 post per week over the last five and a half years, that’s a lot of wisdom about how to be healthy and happy. That’s a lot of positive energy put out into the world. We all are grateful. In truth, your commitment and energy are part of the reason that started posting again. Thank you,


    • Thank you Val. I don’t know if it’s wisdom or positive energy. I just know that I love nudism and it makes me, and a lot of others, happy. It makes me even happier to know that it helped you to start posting again. Keep doing your awesome work!

  5. Hmmm… maybe we could start tag posts that would circulate around nudist bloggers. (Often they are pitched as awards tags.) Those are posts where you ask some questions and nominate a number of other bloggers to answer. They in turn nominate more bloggers to participate. Whoever sets up the posts initially creates the rules which usually include a standard logo, including a copy of the rules in the post, linking back to the original post, how may questions to ask, how many people to tag, and so forth. They can be as simple or as complicated as you want. Ideally they’d be initiated by someone with lots of followers so as to get a lot of initial publicity. Otherwise they may just die out.

    Hee are a few examples I’ve participated in. They are from a group of mostly anime bloggers but the same idea could apply to nudists.


    The idea is to create more interaction between bloggers and provide seeds for interesting posts.

  6. Hi Marc. I agree with Freebeacher, you are indeed ‘awesome’. For sure, with few exceptions (Nick and Lins spring to mind), you are unarguably one of the most prolific naturist blog writers. Most significantly, you write exceptionally well, and, your topics are as eclectic as they are interesting. No-one will ever describe you as boring! Your wonderfully incurable passion and drive for the naturist lifestyle is intoxicating and serves to support and inspire the rest of us who enjoy life naked. You are a source of encouragement for both the diehards as well as part timers or waverers. Please keep doing what you do so well. Yours naturally. Andrew.

    • Thank you Andrew for your kind words. It goes right to my heart. I will continue for sure as it’s who I am, is deep under my skin, and you are there to remind me why I am doing this. Keep talking and commenting about nudism, it helps being found on the net and exposed to many people. This world needs more nudists! Keep going, naked as much as possible! Nudist regards. Marc

  7. Being a home nudist is a way for me to relax and relieve stress. I believe more people do it but just don’t admit it. I always swim naked in my home pool. I would like to do nude beaches but wouldn’t do it with my significant other. She just won’t do it due to body image. Living in a residential neighborhood makes it difficult.

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