The Nudism series of books has been available on Amazon for a few months now. Recently, we entered the Amazon beta program for hardcovers and started to offer two of the books, 101 Ideas to Increase Nude Time and Nudist Friends and Embracing Nudity, in hardcover, along the editions in paperback and Kindle.
Hardcover books make great gifts and look better in libraries. Hence, we decided to rework the covers to bring them a more appealing and nudist look. It’s were we need you, fantastic nudist readers of Nude and Happy. Below, you will find three options that we are contemplating and a poll. Please cast your vote and chose the cover you prefer.

We will keep the poll open for a couple of weeks with a plan to release the second edition of all the books with the new cover for this coming Summer. Thank you for your help in making the series of book better and promoting the joy and comfort of nudism!
Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!
I much prefer the simpler, cleaner look of the full-colour cover design.