The incredible comfort of nudity


Like almost every morning, after breakfast, I was this morning at my home office browsing personal and professional emails, reading social networks posts, planning my day and spending some time writing. I wanted a coffee and went to the kitchen. On the way to the kitchen, there is, in the hallway, a long mirror. I passed by, mechanically turned my head and saw myself pass, completely naked.

Like almost every morning, sleeping naked, I stay naked. I go into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family, which I also share completely naked. Then my day continues, always completely naked, until I need to go out in society, where clothes are usually de rigueur.

Like almost every morning, I was naked to go from my home office to the kitchen, when I passed in front of this mirror. Seeing my image in this mirror, the comfort of my own nudity literally jumped in my face. I stopped, as if to confirm that this naked body that was mine was in his most comfortable clothes, those of his birth. The need to put this feeling of comfort on digital paper immediately manifested itself.

Incredible comfort

Nudity is incredibly comfortable. They (society, religion, culture) steal it from us by forcing us, as a child, to dress, explaining to us that nudity is personal, that it should not be shared, going so far as to demonize this pure body to make it an object of sexual desire. By stealing its purity, we deprive it of its comfort. It can take years to regain purity and comfort. Years of reenchantment of this wonderful nudity, to get rid of its awkwardness, its sexualization and its shame.

For, as I explained in another post, when nudity becomes the new normal, it opens up a new universe. It allows us to reappropriate its direct benefits: the feeling of freedom, the beauty of differences, and the end of the tyranny of perfection. These benefits all converge towards the unique comfort that our body offers us, free of its clothes and our mind free of the reductive ideas associated with nudity.

Pure happiness

Like almost every morning, I poured myself a cup of coffee and went back to my office, in the comfort of my nudity, to write this post. Physical nudity is liberating for the body and for the mind. It is not the horror associated with textiles, it is not the realm of animals or perverts, it is not the symbol of a blatant lack of taste. It is, in fact, the exact opposite of all this.

Nudity is pure, simple and totally natural happiness. Consciously accepted, it is a reflection of a real intelligent and meaningful thought process that puts the human being back within the universe created in harmony. Finally, it is the symbol of an ultimate taste for naturalness, simplicity and respect. The nudity is just incredibly comfortable and beautiful!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Georgia Maciel from Pexels


  1. Very well put ! Your routine seems to match mine . I really enjoy mine . My nudity started in high school swim class ! Being nude in the proper place has always felt natural. It must have been ok then for it to happen ! I really like the new blog thanks

    • Thank you Bob for your comment and your nice words. Much appreciated. I really believe nudity is completely natural, but society is screwing it as it has screwed nature around us for short-term gains. I like you comment about nudity being OK for it to happen. You can discover the beauty and benefits of naturism any time, almost any where. It all comes to being aware of those feelings and embracing the simple things that make a whole difference.

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