4 reasons why naturism is necessary to humanity and our future


Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterized by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment. The official definition of naturism, adopted by many naturist federations, is simple and eloquent in these times of climate change. By applying it to our daily life and being the apostle of our lifestyle to our loved ones, we can contribute to influencing public policy and actively contributing to the future of mankind. Here are four reasons.


By living naked and sharing nudity, one naturally makes him or herself vulnerable and shows him or herself as he or she is. A naturist is vulnerable to the other’s eyes and to his or her mockery. This is generally the result of a misunderstanding of what naturism is and of its countless benefits, shown in a study published in the Journal of Happiness.

This critical look also makes it possible to appreciate our physical body. By respecting each other, we’re to ask questions about our activities, our food, our clothes and their usefulness. Self-respect encourages you to exercise daily, to eat well and to consume goods with sobriety. Naturism and minimalism have many similarities.

Respect for Others

When you respect yourself, you learn to respect others. Nude, we no longer see other naturists through the image conveyed by the labels of their clothes, but by their behavior and their being. I’m always positively surprised by the simplicity and the atmosphere of camaraderie in naturist environments.

Naturists look at you in the eyes, because one don’t judge others’ breasts, belly or genitals. We look at each other directly in our soul. One appreciates all the more the scars that life has placed on our bodies. They’re a reflection of who we are.

Respect for the Environment

All naturists aren’t environmentalists, but sensitivity to the environment develops rapidly. Less washing contributes to use less detergent. Respecting your body is asking questions about your diet and focusing on organic and short logistics circuits whenever possible. It’s also preferring natural activities such as hiking, gardening or playful encounters between naturists.

Respecting the environment for a naturist is also limiting the purchase of clothes. The textile industry is indeed a huge contributor to pollution, according to the French newspaper Les Échos: “The textile industry is in fact responsible for 17 to 20% of the world’s water pollution. It consumes 25% of insecticides, and 10% of the herbicides used in the world for the production of cotton. Finally, 3,000 liters of water is required to produce a single tee-shirt!”

Benevolent Simplicity

Pierre Rabhi speaks of happy sobriety. I like to see in naturism a benevolent simplicity. Simplicity, because naked, we’re brought back to the simplest expression of our body. Benevolent, because without artifice, it’s difficult to revolt or to get angry. Kindness towards oneself and others makes sense, as Dr. Gruman, from the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, explains in a Psychology Today article entitled Being Kind to Others Benefits You.

Social nudity is one of the elements of response to the crisis that mankind is going through. By sharing nudity on a daily basis, naturists participate in the pacification of the spirits, the reduction of pollution and the promotion of a simpler life. It will take decades to have nudity widely accepted in the public space, but I’m sure that will happen. Beaches, parks and natural spaces will all become naturist. The laws will evolve to allow simple nudity and to differentiate it from sexual exhibition. However, this can only happen if we, naturists, speak around us about our lifestyle and live our naturism as openly as possible that mentalities will evolve. Long live naturism!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash


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