Nudist idea #66: Play volleyball naked


Many nudist resorts setup games for their residents. Among the many sports you can practice naked is volleyball.

Volleyball is fun. Many nudist resorts have a volleyball ground either permanent or temporary. All you need is some other nudists, a ball and off you go, for a fun or serious game. Whether you play well or not is irrelevant. The idea here is to have a fun activity with a bunch of friends and new acquaintances in you best suit, your birthday one. Actually, when you think about it, if you play cool and not competitive, you do not need any clothing. If you look at what the beach volleyball players wear, you realize that they are not naked because society does not allow it, although I particularly find the women attire very sexual, with their tight micro shorts, but this is another topic.

In the video above from Active Naturists is serious volleyball, played naked. You can see that even a very serious game does not require clothing. So, during your next stay at your nudist resort, have a game or organize one. I’m sure many other fellow nudists will happily share this sport moment and create additional bonds for other future naked activities!

Have you played volleyball naked? How was it? We would love to hear about your experience in the comment section below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Braedon McLeod on Unsplash


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