Nudist idea #33: Create a nudism library


Dozens, if not hundreds, of books exist on naturism, both fiction and non-fiction. You will find some on my books page and a more complete list on Paul’s. If you have your own personal library, you can open a section dedicated to naturism and nudism.

books-2253569_640Of course, it could be a pure digital library on your e-reader. However, I would encourage you to purchase some hard copies to put on display in your own library. This way, you can share those books with others, leave them on your coffee table to break the ice about nudism. It’s very funny to see questions from non-nudists about some of the books you can leave on your coffee table while they are visiting. They are first intrigued, and they generally ask the question: “Are you a naturist?” And it’s the beginning of an interesting discussion.

img_60491.jpgAlthough I have many books on naturism, my fiction ones are on my Kindle, while the non fiction ones are paper based, to be able to share them. Some are on the shelves of my library, while others are on the coffee table in the lounge, as you can see on the picture on the right. Your library will then serve a dual purpose. 1. Provide you with tons of information about nudism and naturism in the world. 2. Allow you to display to friends and family who visit you that you are a naturist.  As we all know, naturism is an incredible, healthy and natural lifestyle that needs to be shared with as many people as possible. This is what a library is all about: sharing knowledge!

Share your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash


  1. We don’t have a library but we do leave our copies of both the AANR Bulletin magazine and the Naturist Society’s N magizine out for for family and friends to see if they so choose. Reactions do vary from interest and some questions to so disdain by some.

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