Nudist idea #25: Negotiate #nudist time with your local gym club


It’s now accepted that daily exercise is good for our health, and a mix of cardio and strength workout is recommended. If you like me, dislike sweating in a t-shirt and short, working out naked is the best solution. However, your local gym may not be open to your naked practice, unless you asked.

In most gyms, there are always time in the day or the evening when there are less people, if any. Of course, the owner will always ask how she can ensure that her facilities are used to the maximum, and this is the conversation you and a couple of fellow nudists could have. Go a meet the owner of your local gym and ask her/him if she/he could offer one or a few spots in the week when you could workout naked.

Of course, you may need to explain what naturism is about, and that you are going to use towels for hygiene, and that of course, there’s nothing sexual in working out naked at the gym. However, let’s face it. It could be a win-win for the gym owner as you may fill up an empty slot, and for you as you will be able to work out naked. If you wonder if this possible, it is happening already in France and the UK, with the Paris naturists who managed to have a gym and swimming pool open for naturists at some time during the week, and the Naked trainer online, who manages to train naked as well. Naked workout is, IMHO, the best way to work out and it’s worth asking your local gym. The worst that can happen? That you get a no…

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Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Jelmer Assink on Unsplash


  1. Thank you for this. I had been considering doing this. I hope places like Planet Fitness would be open to that or open up specific centers for Naked exercise

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