Want Better Self-Confidence? Get Naked!


This is probably one of the best articles I’ve read on how to boost self-confidence by embracing nudism. Although this article focuses on getting comfortable in your own skin by sleeping naked or practicing yoga naked, it does not touch on social nudity.

However, embracing the naturist lifestyle by spending time with other naturists in the buff starts by getting comfortable with oneself. And on that, the article of Danielle Keating is spot-on.
Here are a few quotes from the article:

Not only is baring your skin natural, but going nude is also rich in both psychological and biological benefits.
If you work out alone, the best fit is nothing at all.
Self-love is attainable and can be obtained through nakedness, because when you strip down, your physical and mental health goes up!

One comment was insightful too, from a psychological point of view:

How empowering it is to do something that you may feel is a big deal and discover that you are fine.

It’s true that the first time you undress, you may feel uncomfortable, but growth comes from moving from comfort zone to un-comfort, so that your comfort zone increases. One additional point for the people who are definitely not familiar with nudity is to “unlearn” the relationship between sex and a nude body.

Society has been building this relationship for years by sexualizing heavily the human body. However, as any naturist know, nothing is further from the real truth. Being naked does not have to mean having sex. Being naked means accepting our own body and being comfortable with it. Once you are OK with that, you can move to the next step which is being social with your own nudity and with others.

You will find 10 Ways To Become Comfortable With Nudity on this blog. I sincerely think the above article will help you getting comfortable with your own nude body and will get you closer to become the naturist you can be. However, watch out! Naturism is very addictive. Once you try, you may never go back to being textile.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash


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