Growing as a nudist


The June edition of Undressed Press, American Association for Nude Recreation newsletter, is out. As usual, it is packed with nice articles about naturists’ preferred lifestyle, naturism. This June edition contains a very nice article from Alix Schuttauf (her father used to be AANR Executive Director, as per his LinkedIn profile) . This young lady explains how she grew as a nudist and what naturism has brought her.

Growing up as a nudist has given me a stronger bond with my family.
This [AANR Youth Summer Camps] helped me tackle and overcome the pressure about negative body image, and gave me a better view of body acceptance.
Because of my upbringing in this body-positive environment, I can still be happy knowing that while I may be judged for my body, it truly doesn’t matter to me.

Naturists all know about the numerous benefits of naturism and social nudity. It’s so wonderful to read it from a young lady who has grown up in a nudist environment. She explains in very simple terms the numerous benefits of being a nudist. Share this with your friends and family who are not (yet) nudists and let them discover this wonderful lifestyle that is naturism.

I encourage you joining your local/national naturist association/federation and if you live in the US, join AANR. You can subscribe to this very insightful newsletter by clicking here and download the June edition from here.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

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