5 Reasons To Get Naked More Often


If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know I love when mainstream press or websites mention positively nudism and naturism. This article from MindBodyGreen is one of those. The author, Samantha Rose, explains in plain and simple words how she discovered social nudity in a spa in Austria and how it completely changed her mind regarded nudity. Without going into to many details around her story, here are the 5 reasons she explains in her article:

  1. “Perfect” is an illusion
  2. Being vulnerable in front of others is a good thing
  3. When you judge other people, you judge yourself
  4. When you become comfortable being naked, you’ll feel less inclined to wear makeup and heels
  5. Baring your bits to Mother Nature feels really good

I really think with all the discussions lately on body shame and beauty perfection, this is just spot on. It resonates even more coming from a woman. I would close this short intro to the post with that quote taken from it:

As I looked around the spa that day it wasn’t my body that separated me from everyone else, it was my attitude.

Smart, isn’t it?

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by WestBoundary Photography chris gill on Unsplash