Nurturing Naturism: Supporting and Contributing to the Development of Nudism and Naturism


A few days ago, Steve and Anna, the founders of the online naturist community and site A Naturist World, came up with the theme Nurturing Naturism for the year 2023. In their own words, “Nurturing Naturism means that naturism takes care of us and we have to take care of naturism. A mutually beneficial relationship”.

I loved the idea and the one that his implicit to it which is that naturism can only develop if we, naturists and nudists, support it and help it to develop. This led me to think how I was supporting and nurturing naturism. Of course, this blog and its French siblings are part of the story, my Twitter feed and my renewed Tumblr one as well. But, while I was listening to the latest episode of The Naturist Living Show, I remembered I was one of the patrons of the show. This led to a series of thoughts about which naturist organisation I was supporting. So here is the list of all my paid subscriptions to naturist organisations:

  • Fédération Française de Naturisme (FFN) — French Naturist Federation. I’ve been a member for years now. They are one of the organisations in France that represents naturism and naturists. Being a member contributes to its strength and helps its mission to protect and develop naturism and naturists.
  • Le Mouvement Naturiste (LMN). Le Mouvement Naturiste, another official naturist organisation, was created as its founders thought that the French Naturist Federation was too shy to defend naturism and protecting the environment. Close to Extinction Rebellion, it supports actions to support the environment and fight climate change.
  • Association pour la Promotion du Naturisme En Liberté (APNEL). The APNEL association defends the right to be naked outside of the fences of naturist resorts or official naturist beaches.
  • A Naturist World (ANW). A Naturist World is an online naturist community that promotes genuine and family naturist values.
  • The Naturist Living Show. The oldest podcast about naturism run by Stéphane Deschenes, the owner of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park in Ontario, Canada.
  • Naturisme Magazine and La Vie au Soleil. The two French magazines dedicated to naturism.
  • H&E Naturist. The British magazine dedicated to naturism, claiming to be the world’s leading magazine for the clothes-free lifestyle.

All those paid-for subscriptions are funded by the money my books, Amazon affiliate and naturist ads are bringing home. This money is also funding the blogs (domains, hosting) and some naturist activities and apparels (caps, nudist t-shirts and shorts, Vibram 5 fingers, …). I’m doing my best to keep the accounts balanced so the money is used only on naturist activities and organisations. I’m looking into funding other naturist organisations as well in the future, as long as I feel they contribute to the development and promotion of naturism and nudism.

What about you? How do you support nudism and naturism? How to do you “nurture” naturism? Let us know in the comment section below and share your experience.

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Photo from NudismLife


    • I joined FCN because i recently discovered my local nude beach and i love it, hope to get to other locations some day and share the naked fun

  1. I finally joined AANR this year. I believe they have many problems and could do many things much better, but they are probably the best we have in the USA.

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