Becoming a Nudist, the Book, Available on Pre-Order


After a few months of editing, the fifth installment in the Nudism book series, Becoming a Nudist, is about to be released in Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover editions. If you want to be the first to put your eyes on it, it’s available in pre-order for a few weeks and will be delivered right to your reader on April 16th. Click the image below to go to the Amazon page where you can pre-order the book.

The book cover

Becoming a Nudist provides the answer to many questions nudists and textiles ask about nudism and whether they should try. it’s organised in 9 chapters:

  1. Nudity, Body and Sexuality
  2. Nudism or naturism?
  3. Physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social nudity
  4. The End of Shame
  5. The Joy of Nudity
  6. Sharing the Joy
  7. Being a nudist
  8. Sharing nudism
  9. Everyday Nudism

With a lot of scientific and medical references, as well as real life stories, it helps understand what nudism is really, its many benefits, how to embrace nudism and make it a reality every day. It will make a great gift for nudists and textiles, and will proudly sit in any nudist personal library. Thank you for being a reader!

Strip Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

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