Nudist idea #77: Read a good book naked


I personally love to read. Fiction, non fiction, classic, new, many books are fascinating. Sitting on a couch, on a towel on a beach or on a lounge chair in the garden, reading transport you in another world. Whatever the book, there’s one constant, reading naked is always a more pleasant activity.

Reading is listed by Cosmopolitan as one of the 30 things you have to do naked. Nudity brings this calm, quietness and serenity that is required to be fully absorbed by the book you read. And what is more comfortable than you own skin.
Reading is a still activity. This means that you should be comfortable, physically. The temperature needs to be warm so you will not chiver, otherwise you are not in the best situation.

This comfort is the reason you should always be naked when reading. You need to find a place that is cozy and appropriate. One place I particularly like to read is to lie in the shade in the garden, either on a towel on the grass or on a lounge chair, with a light breeze caressing my skin. It’s so relaxing I can spend hours jumping into the story I’m reading. Being naked at home most of the time, it’s natural for me to open a book and do not get naked for this specific activity. However, is you are not naked, do the conscious effort to undress and to find a good spot before opening your book. Not only this will help you to get comfortable in your own skin, you will probably not go back to a clothed reading world.

Do you read naked? Where is your best place to read naked? How do you feel? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


  1. A great way to relax.No matter what the book is.The neat thing is there is a genre called naturist fiction.What better way to understand and experience clothes free reading.

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