World Naked Gardening Day


Gardening is one of those natural activities that are better done naked. Gardening naked provides a unique feeling of being close to nature, of enjoying deeply our connection to the earth and to the air. The next World Naked Gardening Day is planned for May 7th.

So get your garden in order after winter. Check if all your tools are ready, get some new seeds if needed and plan your day to spend it in your garden enhancing its natural beauty. Spending a day naked taking care of your garden is worth all the meditation and relaxation. It’s healing for your body, soul and mind.

One of the beauties of naked gardening is you do not have to wash any clothes. Gardening involves some “dirty activities” like moving earth and planting seeds, that can strain your clothes. When you are naked, just a shower and everything’s off. Try not to wear shoes on that day, feel the earth with your barefoot.

One important information though is to spread the news, to non-nudists and nudists, to gardeners, to nature lovers. If you can invite friends to share this day with you. Whether they undress or not is irrelevant. You’ll be naked and you’ll share the wonderful sensation of air on your skin. It’s a great time to prepare a wonderful vegan lunch and enjoy what earth has to offer to our body.

I look forward to the 7th of May! Share your experience if you celebrate this day or another, naked in your garden!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels


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