Naked, Nudists, and Naturists Feature


I’m excited to share some wonderful news! The latest episode of the Naked, Nudists and Naturists podcast, hosted by the dynamic duo Frank and Lisa, has just been released—and it’s a special one for me. In episode 60, which you can find here, they took the time to discuss my email, my series of books on nudism, and even gave a shoutout to my website, Nude and Happy.

Starting at 16 minutes and 38 seconds into the episode, Frank and Lisa read my email aloud and shared their thoughts on my books. Their kind words truly made my day. Frank mentioned how I was one of the first to support their podcast from the beginning, and Lisa shared how she’s enjoyed reading my work, praising the way I bring the nudist philosophy to life.

It’s incredibly rewarding to hear such positive feedback from fellow nudists and naturists who are just as passionate about this lifestyle as I am. Frank and Lisa’s podcast has become a wonderful resource for our community, and I’m honored to be part of their journey.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Frank and Lisa for their kind words and for helping to spread the message of nudism and naturism. Their dedication to providing insightful, engaging content every week is inspiring, and I’m thrilled to be featured on their show.

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend tuning into episode 60 of Naked, Nudists and Naturists to hear our exchange and to explore more of their thoughtful discussions on living a clothes-free life.

Once again, thank you, Frank and Lisa, for all that you do for our community. Keep up the fantastic work, and here’s to many more episodes!

Listen to Episode 60 here:

Get Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Below is the full transcript of Frank and Lisa conversation:


You know, one from a gentleman in France. He was one of the first ones to catch on to our show. I think he wrote us right after episode #1, which hit on July 1st of 2023. We’ve had a brand new show every single Saturday since then, a full one hour show. But he was one of the ones to say, hey, first of all, welcome to the club and you guys are really good. So I appreciate you. And we always return the favor. And he sent us an e-mail. And why don’t you go if you don’t mind, read the first paragraph. 


OK, I’ll be happy to. Greetings from France and happy anniversary. I listened to the latest episode of your podcast while working out, naked as always, and your discussion about being a nudist or naturist made me smile like the one of being nude or naked. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to enjoy life clothes free with friends who enjoy it too. 


And he also said: I wanted to let you know that my Nudism series of books has been revamped with new covers and two new additions. You can find the five books on Amazon, and we’ll talk about that in a minute. With that, all the best and keep up the great work and nudist regards. And he is the founder and owner of the website Nude and Happy. We want people to visit all things nude, naked, naturism, clothes-free on that site. If you look at his Amazon page, the titles are in no particular order. Or maybe they are in order. The comfort of nudity, 12 ways to become comfortable with nudity, Embracing nudity, 101 ideas to increase nude time and nudist friends, and Becoming a nudist. That’s his series of books. What do you think? And they’re great to have terrific authors out there who know what they’re talking about and can put it in the written word. 


It really does, and I’ve read some of his work and he’s a terrific writer. I mean the the words just flow and the ideas are great and his commitment to nudism and naturism is exceptional and I have to tell you when he first found us and he posted our link on his website. Like, our website blew up from the people who apparently were interested, so he was a real kind of pioneer for us in getting the word out about the podcast. 


Yeah. And he really was. And on his Amazon page, when I fired up the one book 101 ideas to increase nude time and nudist friends. The description is: nudism is a wonderful lifestyle. However, it’s tainted with a lot of preconceived ideas and you cannot really understand nudism until you try it with other nudists and become a nudist. And this particular book, the 4th in the Nudism series, introduces 101 activities that you can carry out entirely naked. Some are obvious, some less so. They are providing great opportunities to increase nude time and the number of our nudist friends. Some readers have put some on their to-do lists. Some have discovered new experiences in all cases. This book will help you discover nudism with a new lens. And I was thinking about this and I have not read this book yet, but it’s it’s on my list. In fact, he offered to send all of the books to us. We need to take them up on that whole idea. But really, you know, we did this a few months ago. We just invited people over. We’re going to have a nudist naturist clothes free day. You want to come over, you know, bring a plate. You don’t have to. You can just show up and and enjoy the day with us. That’s certainly one way just to invite people over for that specific purpose. We’re going to be clothe-free today. Non sexual, nothing inappropriate, nothing untoward. We’re just going to enjoy the company of each other. That’s certainly one way to do it, and anything that jumps down your mind. 


I think that that’s an excellent way to do it, because if you have like minded friends and everyone becomes more comfortable doing that. But I’ve read through his list at one point and there are a couple of things that’s that stood out to me. I think one of things is just be honest about who you are. If you have a magazine like the AANR Bulletin or you have something on that you have been reading. Leave it out. Let people see that you have an interest in it. Don’t make a big deal about it. And then maybe they’ll pick it up and go. Oh, wow. Do you read this? Well, yeah, I do. So maybe breaking the ice that way, you just have to get out and be active, go to a club or go to a resort. You know, go out in your garden naked. Hopefully not get arrested doing it but but but making sure that people know what you do. 


Yeah, no, very well said. In his bio on Amazon, he’s been a nudist for years, if not forever. Over the years he made it, it’s life philosophy and lifestyle he’s become passionate about. He created the blog Nude and Happy and all these books go ahead and visit him and we thank him for that e-mail. 


  1. I discovered the Naked, Nudists, and Naturists podcast a few months ago. I then went back to their very first one and by listening to an episode each day as I ate my lunch I have now listened to them all. They are very good, and now I listen to each new episode each Saturday.

  2. It’s very nice feeling when someone takes note of your good work & appreciate it publicly, especially when your work area like naturism, is not being accepted by the majority of the society. You deserve it..

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