Naturist Thought #76 – Couch


What is more relaxing than having a coffee, lounging on a couch, naked? Whether it’s a morning coffee or an evening drink, sitting on a couch is a pleasant experience. Add the comfort of nudity and you have a perfect combination.

I’m actually lounging on my couch, early in the morning, in my birthday suit with a hot coffee, while typing this daily thought. And it’s bliss. When the temperature allows nudity, you realize that our body was meant to stay nude. And sitting on this comfortable couch, naked, makes perfect sense.

The next level of bliss is to have a couch outside in the garden, under welcoming shade. It’s on my list of things to get for the terrace. To appreciate a couch even more, one needs to get up, go workout or garden or hike, and enjoy the peacefulness and the comfort of lounging after the effort. Don’t become a couch potato, but live naktiv! Naturism is the best lifestyle!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by taylor hernandez on Unsplash


  1. I agree. I happen to be sitting on a couch enjoying a night cap before retiring for the evening – nude, of course.

    We don’t have a “couch” outside since all of the patio furniture is wrought iron. But we do have a slider bench in the shade with cushions that is absolutely wonderful to sit in while nude and feeling the soft breezes blow through the yard as we observe the birds on our feeders.

    Our home sits atop a hill (a whopping 35 feet above sea level – gasping for air at this altitude!) that seems to collect the breezes from any of three directions and swirl them around our yard. It can turn an otherwize sweltering hot, humid day into a quite tolerable evening on the patio. It helps that we have an outdoor shower and a mister fan if needed. Both are best enjoyed while nude.

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