Naturist Thought #72 – Clouds


I was about to write my daily post, sitting in front of the computer, grabbing my cup of coffee, while clouds were moving slowly in the sky. Clouds are fascinating. They come with so many different forms, shapes and colors.

They were lit by the rising sun and were in all shades of orange. They were moving slowly and finally got out of sight, leaving just the disc of the sun and the blue sky. It reminded me of many instances where I lied on the grass watching the clouds moving above my head.

The rays of the sun were warming my naked body, and I was watching those puffy white objects flying high. You just live those moments by enjoying the beauty of nature and the feeling of it surrounding you. It’s when naturism gets even deeper under my skin as you cannot really feel nature without being entirely naked.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Pero Kalimero on Unsplash


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