Naturist Thought #60 – Night


Summer nights is a song performed by John Travolta and Olivia Newton John in the movie Grease. Summer nights are the ideal moment to feel a fresher air surrounding our body. On a warm summer night, having a walk outside is a wonderful experience. You hear noise that you don’t during the daytime. And you can see the myriad of stars illuminating the sky.

Nights have a sense of magic. Nights conceal some things while revealing others. Nights are to the dark what days are to the light. When night comes, we can light candles, switch on lights and create an enlightening atmosphere. At nights, we make a bonfire and enjoy moments grilling marshmallows.

Nudity adds a sprinkle of abandonment to the night, revealing our fragility, while highly enjoyable. The best summer barbecue nights have always been naked, having fun grilling and sharing wine and beer, going for a swim in the pool and watching the stars, waiting for a shooting star. Naked nights are magic.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by garvit jagga from Pexels


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