Nudist idea #41: Hang and display your nakation pictures


We all love pictures and keeping memories of our past good times and holidays. However, when it comes to nakation, the question of sharability of our pictures can be asked.

Let’s think for a moment. Most of us, if not all, would hang our best family pictures on the wall. We would as well hang beautiful art pictures or paintings, some depicting nude bodies, like the picture on the left. The question is why not mixing both, and hanging holiday pictures of our nakations? What is wrong with it?
Image result for naked people in pictures on wallsOur friends and families may see us naked would you argue? If you are naturist, many people have seen us naked and this has not created an outcry. When you look at your past holiday pictures, you are happy, naked or not. Therefore, I believe we should not make any difference when it comes to naked pictures of ourselves or with our naturist friends.

What would you do, or what are you doing? Are you hanging pictures of your nakation for others to see? Thank you for sharing your experiences and comments below.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Luis Martinez from Pexels


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