Nudist idea #11: Go on a Naked Cruise


I am not a big fan of cruises, but they are gaining in popularity every day. Join naturism and cruise, and you get naked cruises. Some travel agencies specialized in naturist holidays are proposing those cruises that happen in the Caribbeans, the Pacific and on the Mediterranean.

Of course, one of the immediate benefit of a nude cruise is the ability to be naked while on board during the whole journey. And since, it’s a nude cruise, you will be surrounded by like-minded people. The First-Timer’s Top 10 Lessons is a great article to get an idea of what to expect from the cruise.

As the Bare Necessities travel agency states, “there are no strangers on bare necessities cruises, only friends you have not met yet.” And I would say this is mostly true of any nudist venue. Being with nudists for some time, you will get new friends as you will have at least one this in common: your love for nudity.

A naked cruise will allow you to get two things for the price of one: having a nakation and traveling to new places. There are naked cruises for everybody, from small sailboats to big massive cruise ships. Looking over the internet, you will find some travel agency who specializes in such cruises. So if you think about spending a vacation on a cruise, consider a naked cruise, a great alternative to simple cruises and a great way to come back with this all over tan you wanted and wonderful pictures for your photo album.

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Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash


  1. We haven’t taken a nude cruise but have done two cruises with the husband’s HS class group. We spent a lot of time nude on our balcony. We even got some extra nude time around the ship and took pics where it was risky but so much fun

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