Nude is the way to practice yoga


Here’s a wonderful article on nagna yoga, that is naked yoga, or yoga practiced sans clothes, written by a yoga and meditation teacher, Alex Myles. Not only the pictures, uncensored to display the glory of the human body, are stunning and awesome, the text is so refreshing on the freedom that nudity procures. Here are some quotes from the article I particularly appreciated.

When practicing yoga I do so fully naked as a way of honoring and uniting each part of myself.
Although being naked has come to feel very unnatural for many, when we are naked we are in our most natural state of being.
Practicing yoga naked is the most liberating, self-loving and self-accepting thing I have ever experienced.
That was one of the greatest lessons I learned—to breathe, accept and let go.
Removing clothing, rather than putting fabric on my skin, to practice yoga seems to me the most natural thing to do.
I see the body as a work of art, an ever changing masterpiece that is an outer reflection of our inner nourishment.

There are many other quotes that resonated deeply. However, the strongest part was the description of the first time Alex got naked and how she fought her feelings of insecurity and the journey of her liberation. It’s a beautiful text on the beauty of nudity I was writing about yesterday, and an calling to practice Yoga, and other sports and activities, naked.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash


  1. We definitely agree. We practice our yoga each morning, nude. It is THE most comfortable way to become one with the feeling in yoga. Jan&Gary❤️

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