What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch


Another wonderful article in the mainstream press about naturism and body positivity. Some wonderful quotes:

I stopped seeing naked people and just saw people

It’s not often in your life that large groups of people openly accept you and cheer for you despite what your body looks like or your physical ability,

Social nudism isn’t about seeing and proving; it’s about experiencing
Everyone is naked and vulnerable. When no one is hiding behind masks, it makes it much easier to accept one another and yourself

Read the full article from the Huffington post here: What I Learned About Body Positivity By Running Naked At A Nudist Ranch.

And if wonder what to wear to run naked, read The perfect gears to run naked.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels


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