My #nudist resolutions for 2017


At the beginning of every year, I reflect on the previous one and check what worked and what did not. Last year, I made 5 resolutions:

  1. Spend a full week clothes free. Whether the NEWT or a clothes optional resort, I have not yet made up my mind.
  2. Organize at least one clothes-optional party at home. Not all my friends are naturist, so I’ll need to pick the ones who are and the ones who are not and are OK to stay clothed while others are naked. It will definitely be fun!
  3. Participate in one naked 5K. I will find the right one that fits with my schedule so I can plan ahead and run bare!
  4. Make and display a “clothes optional” sign at my house. I have been writing about it, never done it. I want to do a kind of vintage signage. I have some ideas so I need to plan accordingly to find the right material and do it.
  5. Visit one new nudist resort. You expand your mind by visiting new places and meeting new people. Based on my trips, I will ensure I spend a day or two in a nudist resort to spend time socially naked.

Well, I have to confess that beyond number 1, the other 4 did not make the grade. Number 2 did not happen because my wife did not feel totally comfortable about it. Number 3 was not planned therefore did not happen. I was an inch away to do number 4 but fell short because I did not place the order for the wooden letters I found because of the price tag. And I had to cancel number 5 because of a crazy family schedule. Not a really good picture. On the positive side though, I hiked naked more time than I imagined and that gives me plenty of wonderful memories.
So this year, resolution time comes again and my nudist resolutions are the following:

  1. Spend another full week clothes free. I cannot participate to the NEWT, but I will find a naturist resort and will go and spend one full week with my wife. The Caribbeans may be…
  2. Make and display a “clothes optional” sign at my house. This year is the right one. I have sketches of this and will dedicate some time to find the right wooden letters at the right price.
  3. Make at least 5 naked hikes. And expand the group of people I am hiking naked with. A great way to make new naturist friends.

And I will stick to those 3. Less is more. And you, did you pass the 2016 grade? Are you committing to new activities for 2017? I look forward to reading your resolutions in the comment area.
Update – August 15

  1. Happened mid-July – It was holiday at home, due to budget restrictions, but enjoyed full nudity the whole week, as the weather was gorgeous!
  2. Ongoing. Have not made up my mind on whether I should make it or purchase a sign.
  3. Am at four currently, and hope to be able to make fifth in the coming weeks.
  4. Additional. I did visit a new nudist club, Olive Dell Ranch, while on a business trip and had the opportunity to spend a week-end in SoCal. Just wonderful!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash


  1. You know, it is never too late to get naked and “make-up” the lost goals! I always try to keep my nude year resolutions to a minimum in order to accomplish them all. Everything else then becomes a bonus! Naked hugs!

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