It doesn’t stop. How nudity keeps being linked to sex and worse – porn


In this article, the author, Paul, claims that “nudity and sex aren’t the same thing”, which is entirely logic for most nudists/naturists. He writes as well “we [naturists] fight an uphill battle because many porn mongers pretend to be naturists and nudists while spreading their mess all over the Internet, giving us a bad name.”

It’s true that naturism and porn are often associated. I do not feel they are associated by default, but by the fact that mostly society equates nudity to sex, and therefore creates a “natural” link between porn and naturism. Now, I think, porn has became more and more mainstream, easily (too easily) available over the internet and thus reinforcing the association with nudity.

Having said this, porn has become an industry, a very profitable one. And like guns and tobacco, we all know it’s bad, but it’s fascinating and brings juicy profits. So, in the name of freedom, with regulation, people should be free to carry their activities.

So in the named of our freedom to be naked, as naturists, the more we can do as Paul writes is to stand for who we are and keep “evangelising” that nudity is good, is healthy and is wonderful. Social nudity is probably one of the best activities, leading to a conscious state of nature that surrounds us.

So, I do not have an answer to how disassociate nudity from porn, but to continue being who we are and being naked as often as possible, as there’s nothing more harmless than a naked body standing peacefully.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

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