4 ways to explain to friends and family why you are a nudist


For many nudists, nudism is either a lonely activity or a hidden one. A lot of nudists go to the nude beach or to nudist resorts, without telling their friends or their family. They refrain taking pictures of themselves to avoid disclosing their sheer joy of being naked socially. While I believe it’s truly important to be accepted as who you really are, I understand the fear of consequences of disclosing you are a nudist. Here are four ways that I find useful to explain nudism and why you are a nudist. This complements my post on 10 reasons why I am a nudist.

  1. Use the International Naturist Federation definition: “Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature, expressed through social nudity, linked to self-respect, tolerance of differing views together with respect for the environment”. Millions of people worldwide are naturists and there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s legal in most countries.
  2. Ask the following question: “If you were on a desert beach and sure at 100% nobody’s around, would you bath naked or with a suit?” It’s strange that a lot of non-nudist people will keep their suit. It’s a great start for a conversation on body self-acceptance and the joy of skinny dipping. I’ve found actually that even the most reluctant to nudism people end up accepting they would bath nude. You’ve broken the ice to explain why you always go to the nude beach.
  3. Here’s another question: “if you were to be able to change something in your body, what you it be and why?” People always want to change something: get rid of their love handle, show their 6-pack, or get a firmer butt. The idea here is to start having a conversation on body acceptance. Explain this is all driven by media and their quest of the perfect body. Then tell you have come to accepting your body completely. Not that you are not seeking to make it better. You are well in it up to a point, you’ve joined a naturist resort. You feel you have nothing to hide anymore.
  4. Invite people to come with you to the nude beach or to your local nude resort. This is the most direct way, but it works surprisingly well. It may require some guts the first times. Once you are used to the surprised eyes, it will become a second nature.

Of course, people will still think you are nuts. Some will find this offensive, and some will ask you to avoid this topic in the future. Body acceptance, and particularly naked body acceptance is a huge taboo in our society. Religion, society and media are to blame. They may preach respect of others, but do actually ostracize differences, and particularly nudity as it’s linked to sexuality. The only way to make progress is to talk freely about nudism. Bring more people into undressing with others to enjoy the well-being of social nudity. Show that a human body is nothing to be ashamed of.

Change starts with each of us. Make it a goal to stop hiding your nudism life. Nudism is good, nudism is healthy, and nudism is fun!

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked, and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash


  1. […] If you share your home with others, have a discussion beforehand on getting naked while at home. It may be a difficult one, and even an impossible one if your roommates are totally reluctant to the idea. It may be the trigger for your to change place, if it’s possible of course. Otherwise, you will need time until acceptance makes its way. You may want to refer to my post, 4 ways to explain to friends and family why you are a #nudist. […]

  2. These are all good points.I think being visible and open about being a nudist are the keys to acceptance because others will see that you’re not hiding anything so they have nothing to use against you.This will go a long way towards changing people’s attitudes about nudism and maybe they will start seeing it as normal and healthy.

  3. I’ve been raised from a very conservative house hold with strong Christian values. But God created naturism and if he didn’t then why the missionaries try to convince the indigenous people to wear clothes? I trust in the Lord to help me defend my lifestyle if my parents found out. He will give me peace to do so.

  4. […] For there on, stay naked until the next morning. You really don’t need to wear anything to do your homework, taking care of house chores, cooking dinner or even open the door to the pizza boy (if you never open your front door naked to a delivery guy, try it, it’s guaranteed fun). Furthermore, if you are an aspiring nudist, it will be a great way to get more an more comfortable in your own skin, in preparation for the big day when you will experience social nudity. If you share your home with others, have a discussion beforehand on getting naked while at home. It may be a difficult one, and even an impossible one if your roommates are totally reluctant to the idea. It may be the trigger for your to change place, if it’s possible of course. Otherwise, you will need time until acceptance makes its way. You may want to refer to my post, 4 ways to explain to friends and family why you are a #nudist. […]

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