Being Comfortable Naked, When Everybody Else is Clothed


A recent trip to Spain was eye-opening for me as a naturist. While public nudity is generally accepted at beaches across Spain, I found myself at one particular beach where I was the only naked person, surrounded by clothed “textiles.” At first, I hesitated to disrobe and felt uncomfortable and vulnerable being the sole nude sunbather. But as minutes rolled along, something shifted internally.

I realized I should not be fearful nor should I cover up simply because those around me were clothed. It came as an evidence, as nobody cared that I was naked. My comfort grew and I could enjoy my nudity fully. That experience led to profound personal growth in how I view naturism and public nudity. It reinforced my perception that nudity is normal, natural and something we should all feel at ease with, regardless of whether others are nude or clothed.

As a naturist, I believe that being comfortable in your own skin is one of the most freeing feelings in the world. However, I also understand that it takes courage to be nude when everyone around you is clothed. In this post, I want to explore the normalcy of nudity, summoning the bravery to be the only nude one, and recognizing that being naked is not about being seen, but about being comfortable.

Normalcy of Nudity

Nudity is the most natural state of being for humans. We are born nude into this world, and it is only societal norms and conventions that teach us to cover up. In many parts of the world, nudity is not shamed or hidden, but rather seen as normal and natural. Even in places where nudity is taboo, attitudes are gradually shifting, with more people recognizing the wholesomeness of the naked human form.

One reason I advocate for naturism is to continue normalizing nudity in society. While public nudity may take time to become widely accepted, we can start by letting go of the notion that our bodies are somehow shameful or obscene. Shedding our clothes does not automatically sexualize us or make us vulgarly exposed. Nude bodies are not inherently sexual – they are natural and normal.

I also firmly believe that teaching body positivity starts with teaching nudity positivity. Children should grow up understanding that nakedness is normal, and that all bodies – regardless of shape, size, color, ability, or gender identity – are worthy of respect. Learning to be comfortable nude from a young age fosters self-confidence, self-acceptance, and respect for others.

Of course, respecting societal norms is important, and I don’t advocate public nudity where it is prohibited by law. But in appropriate spaces, including nature, there is nothing wrong with being comfortably nude. More people are recognizing this, as evidenced by the growing popularity of naturism around the world.

Courage to Be the Only One

I won’t pretend it’s easy to be the only naked person when everyone around you is clothed. It takes immense courage and confidence to go against social conditioning and bare your body when others are covered up. Especially in public settings, it’s natural to feel vulnerable or exposed being the only nude person.

So why do it? For me, it’s about proving – to myself and to others – that nudity is nothing to be ashamed of. My nude body is not offensive or inappropriate. And if going naked in a clothed crowd helps even one other person reconsider their attitudes about nudity and body image, it’s worthwhile.

There will always be critics and judgmental eyes. But the more we normalize nudity, the more comfortable people will become seeing nudists in their midst. My nudity is not meant to shock or provoke; it’s a mindfully positive political statement promoting body acceptance.

Of course, I don’t advocate forcing nudity upon unsuspecting audiences. Naturists understand the importance of reading the room and choosing our nude moments wisely. If I’m someplace that is clearly not appropriate for nudity, I’ll reconsider. But in environments that should be nudity-friendly, I have now the courage to be the only bare body – because that’s how societal change happens.

Being Nude is About Comfort, Not Being Seen

This leads me to my final point: being naked is not about being seen nude; it’s about the comfort and joy that comes from existing in your natural state. Some misconstrue nudism as exhibitionism, but that could not be further from the truth.

When I’m comfortably nude, I’m not seeking to be a spectacle. I’m reveling in the feeling of sun and air on my bare skin, free from the confinement of clothes. I’m enjoying a new sense of connection – to myself, to nature, and to other naturists who understand this shared experience. My nudity is mindfully intentional, meant to be healing, cathartic and meditative.

Of course, I can’t control who sees me nude or what their reactions may be. But I do not engage in nudism to shock or seek attention. I participate because it feels wonderful to greet the world in my birthday suit, without barriers or judgment between my body and the natural environment. Clothing has its purposes, but should not be mandatory 24/7.

In appropriate times and places, nudity can be incredibly self-actualizing. It builds confidence and self-love. The comfort of nudity lives inside one’s own skin. While the road to societal acceptance is long, it starts with individuals like us being comfortable naked even when others are not.

Where This Leads Me

This experience changed me and made me move forward on my naturism journey. Although. I’ve been a naturist for years, it reinforced my belief in being naked when no one else is. I hope this post has provided some perspective on what it’s like being comfortably nude in environments where clothing is expected.

While baring it all requires courage, nudity is natural and should not be shamed. With more practice, nudity can be normalized, becoming more accepted by society over time. But even when you’re the only nude person, if you’re comfortable in your skin, that’s what matters most. Nudity is not about spectacle – it’s about feeling your best in your most natural state.

It’s in naturists’ hands to demonstrate that nudity is normal and natural. As a famous sport’s brand says, just do it. Just bare it all, behave normally, and live your life! This is what I do now, with increased confidence and happiness.

Get Nude, Stay Nude, Live Nude and Share the Nude Love!

Image generated by Stable Diffusion with the prompt “pebble mediterranean beach with one nudist”.


    • I live in the UK, never been abroad on holiday. Very lucky to live only two miles from a nudist beach on a lovely sandy coastline. I also go to non nudist beaches round my coastline, where I go naked on the beach and in the dunes without any problems from other people. There are other nudists as well. I think nudity is becoming more accepted nowadays.

  1. I frequently head down to our local clothing optional beach, Wreck Beach in Vancouver BC, and the last few years has definitely seen a rise in the number of textiles that use the beach, especially students from UBC.
    There have been times when I have been the only naked person on the beach, but I never have any doubts about stripping off as i am on a designated nude beach.
    Hopefully I and other naturists will only help to encourage the textiles that we share the beach with, to try the natural way to enjoy the sand and sea!

  2. One of your best posts yet, Marc! Spot on! I often have this discussion with folks who gripe about other folks at a nudist resort or club who happen to prefer to be clothed at any given moment – complaining about how being naked around clothed people makes them very uncomfortable. If that’s the case, then they need to address their own insecurities. Yes, it may be a bit intimidating for people new to being naked in a social setting, but for seasoned naturists this should be a non-issue.

    We need to realise that if naturists are trying to promote nudity as normal and acceptable in appropriate natural surroundings that are public areas, then it is very hypocritical for us to insist that others cannot wear clothing in our spaces.

    What someone wears or not wears is their right to choose. Body sovereignty! It’s nobody else’s business.

  3. Very thoughtful and well written article. Congratulations Marc – you seem to have captured the thoughts and wishes of many, certainly including myself! Whilst I do not participate in or condone ‘shock’ nudity there is an argument to say that for public nudity to truly become normalised many people will need to experience a ‘first time seeing someone openly nude in public’ shock moment. The nudity will be likely be criticised and the nudist(s) involved may even suffer attempts at humiliation but progress will have been made and those of us who believe in the sanctity of the nude may, almost certainly will, be subjected to criticism. However, as a result of every public nudity opportunity an additional step on the path to public acceptance will have been achieved.

    • Thank you Tom. Fully agree. The objective is not to shock, of course, but to behave normally and set the message that nothing’s wrong with being naked.

  4. I have no problems being nude if others are clothed. If this is intentional, I make sure that the clothed folks are accepting of my nudity. If I’m “discovered”, that is, someone comes on my property with no prior notice I make no attempt to cover myself. The latter has happened several times, each time the visitor has no problem with my nudity.

  5. Yes, Good article. Nude is the default human condition. I frequently point out in on-line discussions that the century long prevalence of “nudists” hiding in hidden retreats, walled compounds, or obscure beaches, and their “no cameras” policies demonstrate a deep belief that nudity is somehow wrong or shameful. They view nudity as some kind of “recreation” away from normal life, and argue that they hide out of courtesy to mythical others who “may be offended” by seeing an actual person. Those people and those attitudes are the long term enemies of nudism.

    We are a very social species. We deeply desire to see others and to be seen by others. In half a century of being naked in pubic places, trails, parks, etc., I have found that being seen and accepted by occasional clothists is deeply affirming. The “nudists” who hide in hidden retreats are quick to scream “exhibitionist” as an insult, but it’s okay and socially acceptable to be seen naked. A very deep part of human nature created nude art, and now nude internet where thousands of people post and view nude selfies every day.

    I have also concluded that the general public seeing naked people occasionally is slowly turning nudity into “not news.” Two decades ago if someone saw a nude man the newspapers and other media would run big stores, “Nude man walks across UK” Now, with more of us being seen in public, the frequent sight of a nude person doesn’t rise to the level of a mention in news.

    Nudists were perhaps” the worst enemies of public acceptance for most of the 20th century. Nudists went and hid instead of being seen in public, and acquiesced to zealots instead of demanding acceptance. Many of us are changing that by going out in public and being seen by the public as often as we can. When enough of us nudists demand acceptance of no-clothes as an acceptable choice, naked will become much more common almost everywhere. . . .

    • Thank you, Greenbare. I do agree that not hiding behind fences is the best thing that can happen to nudism. We need to keep pushing the boundaries to get accepted naked when and where we can. It’s a matter of willingness and acceptance of awkwardness at times. But it’s very rewarding.

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