Bare with me – An introduction to #naturism


I just loved this post: Bare with me: An introduction to naturism. For multiple reasons:

  • It’s not from a naturist web site or magazine. It has been written as a part of the 400 project, which “was created as a passion project to challenge each other to create 400 pieces of original content”.
  • It’s simple, direct and beautifully written.
  • It puts you on a journey and provides fresh perspective.
  • It’s just spot on!

Naturism brings us back to the simple, innocent joy of being free and natural.

But overall, it explains in simple terms what is naturism and why you should give it a try. Yes, naturism is about getting naked with others. No, it’s not sexual. Yes, it can be intimidating and you may end up not liking it. But, trying is a big first step. The only risk you take is to like it and become the naturist that is hidden in each of us. Because, as the author of the post, Matt, reminds us “underneath our clothes, we are all naked.”

Enjoy reading the post and sharing your thoughts and comments.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!

Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash


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