Happy #Nude Year!


I wish you all a fantastic year 2016. May it bring you joy, peace and prosperity, and lots of nude moments you can enjoy with friends and family. Nudism is a wonderful lifestyle that brings people together in a respectful manner and I wish it attracts more and more people in 2016, demonstrating its many benefits to the mass. Here are my Nudist Nude Year wishes:

  • I wish all naturists share their joy of naturism with all their friends so there no more closet nudists but only accepted nudists worldwide.
  • I wish all beaches become nude beaches so I can get rid of all my swim suits forever
  • I wish nudity to be legal everywhere so one can chose to live naked as one of the clothing option
  • I wish all people make the distinction between nudism and sex, so they see naturism as a healthy lifestyle, what it actually is
  • I wish peace to the world and respect between all human beings, clothed or naked

I know I’m a dreamer, but if each nudist would do something along those line, then the world will become more nudist friendly. If you are naturist and are interested in the naturist lifestyle become a member of your local naturist federation or national association. Supporting your local or national naturist federation helps naturism to develop, to create more nudist-friendly public spaces, like nudist beaches, and to make naturism seen as a normal and healthy lifestyle by non naturists. Be a responsible naturist in 2016, enroll!
Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked and Share the Naked Love!


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