Why some people see nudity as bad?


While browsing the web the other day, I read this article about Why We Stay In Crappy Situations (And How To Get Out Of Them), on the MindBodyGreen web site. To set some context, I’m a nudist and am passionate about human psychology and social nudity. I went through various phases of self-analyze, personal development and even psychoanalysis. I am fascinated by what makes some people do things other won’t. The above article stroke a chord.

First this sentence: “We’re creatures of habit, and breaking habits causes everything from anxiety, to depression, to eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.” it’s so comfortable to stand still, to avoid facing change. When we are confronted with somebody who has a different point of view from the one we have, our first reaction is to reject it. Accepting it or even considering it valid will force us outside of our comfort zone.
Another excerpt: “making a change, even a necessary change, pushes you out of your comfort zone and into that awkward place that nobody likes called growth.” Considering and eventually accepting another point of view makes us think and potentially act, expanding our comfort zone, “growing it”.

And a last one: “Right before we have a growth spurt, many of us have a temporary feeling of discomfort.” Change is uncomfortable, but this discomfort is necessary to apprehend the new situation and get into our new expanded comfort zone. The rest of the article goes with the self-defeating behaviors that go with change and the solution to it: “We must be willing to surrender what we are for what we can become.”
Now you may ask what is the relationship to nudism, as it is the theme of this blog? Well, link this to nudism viewed from the point of a non-nudist. What will you hear:

  • Naked bodies are not to be shown
  • Only animals are naked
  • Nudism is exhibitionism
  • Nudists are perverts

And I could go on and on. But what is behind: habit and fear! Society and family teach kids that nudity is bad. That we need to hide our body. And that we should spend a stupid amount of money on branded clothing to show who we are. So when, as teenager, the adult, we are confronted with nudism, our first reaction is to denigrate it. But actually, we express two feelings:

  • Body discomfort
  • Others acceptance, or risk of lack of

We fear what others will think, what others will see, what others will tell. We refuse to confront our humanity, bare! Most (although it’s difficult to say it’s a majority or not, since nudists are definitely in minority), most people will consider nudism as bad because of the fear ingrained during our childhood and adulthood of our own body acceptance and other’s acceptance. Going from textile to nudist can be uncomfortable, painful and long, but so rewarding.

If this post and the linked article rang a bell and you wonder how to become a nudist, follow my ten steps. It’s not rocket science, it’s plain simple. The only risk you take is enjoying your nudity and to become a nudist.

Get Naked, Stay Naked, Live Naked, and Shared the Naked Love!

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash


  1. There’s really no valid reason/s as to why anyone should see nudity as bad. What I will say is that it may not happen I mine or some of us lifetime, but I’m certain that clothing will be optional all over the world in years to come.
    It’s undeniable, it similar to what’s happening with marijuana legalization worldwide.
    We were created naked. Our Creator did not place any form of significance or importance in relation to clothing. What is so wrong with seeing someone you don’t know, naked?

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